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John Barben is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
You should have a look at Tribes by Seth Godin - you will find another element to how you have led your own tribe and how important your tribe find you...
Clay Shirky 'Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations'
I picked up Clay's book from my girlfriend Lisa and have devoured it over the past two days whilst on holiday. At the moment I seem to be absorbing any material on social media / new technology and/or the music industry as music is where I principally work, and its future is so unknown and I...
The collective is connected
Opposition is expected
Barriers will be erected
Just be careful who's elected
Socialist software?
Stowe Boyd has a great post on why much of the skepticism about social computing is wide of the mark which he concludes with the following paragraph: .... our orientation to social tools is a political act. Determining what you believe is good, or right, or what is the purpose of our lives in n...
That's kinda the way I think about wikis at the moment - just wait until we get "wikiwyg"!
Here, here
"I liked the Internet better when it was all words." Jeneane
Interesting these are also my top 3 annoyances
1. TomTom after I changed my Smartphone handset wouldn't let me change the code until I threatened them
2. I visited the Windsor store to ask about Orange's free broadband and they can't/won't talk about it f2f - you must call the call centre who are "receiving a high volume of calls right now so would I please call back later"
3. BA won't re-issue my PIN and therefore I can't use my AirMiles
On top of that - e-business sites that claim they have stock of kit - accept orders and then say that there systems were out of date and they'll have to wait until they get stock replenished!
Look forward to that coffee sometime! Glad to see that free range is working for you
Don't let the buggers grind you down
Taking Sam Sethi as my inspiration I have decided to vent my frustration at three instances of the increasingly common "individual meets corporation and gets bounced" syndrome. 1. It has taken weeks to get my beloved TomTom replaced and then, having worked my way through and around their obscure...
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