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I am a dreamer.
Interests: paris hilton, fashion designing, modeling.
Recent Activity
Cristina added a photo at Paris Hilton
I love this photo. Paris looks a lot like Marilyn Monroe and in a kind of way, she reminds me a lot to her. Both are icons in different generations. They are talented, inspiring, beautiful and role models. They are two of the most incredibe women in the world, representing past and present. No matter how much time happens, they will always be remembered as huge stars. Love this two ladies!
Aug 8, 2010
Cristina added a photo at Paris Hilton
Paris, you are so adorable. Do you know what? I LOVE YOU! xoxox Cristina:)
Aug 6, 2010
Toggle Commented Aug 4, 2010 on No title at Paris Hilton
Cristina added a photo at Paris Hilton
Hey Paris! I just wanted to let you know that I had one of the best nights of my life the other day at Privilege. You absolutely rocked the party and looked gorgeous in all the outfits you wore. It was amazing! Your voice was soooo sweet and nice! I couldn't and still can't believe I was there listening to you, the one and only Paris Hilton, my idol! People went crazy when you appeared, it was so exciting! Definitively you made the party much more caliente! Aww loved your words in Spanish. Thanks Paris for making me smile, I'm really proud of you, it feels so good to be part of the best army of fans in the world. Hope you enjoyed Spain and hope you come back soon! Thank you once again :) Love you so much! xoxo Cristina
Aug 4, 2010
Yes I got to take a video, I'll upload it and share with you guys :)
Had a blast the other day at Privilege :) I was really really nervous to see Paris live for my first time ever, but she was even nicer than I thought. She looked gorgeous and incredibly sweet. Everybody went crazy... Continue reading
Posted Aug 1, 2010 at Paris Hilton
Thank you, I hope she does :)
Toggle Commented Jul 18, 2010 on No title at Paris Hilton
Cristina added a photo at Paris Hilton
Aww Paris is having an amazing summer, I love seeing her happy and smiling because she really deserves it. She is incredibly sweet and down to earth, and treat us fans like no other. She really cares about us and likes to keep in touch with us. What a nice girl. It's a pity that there are people that doesn't understand she's just a young girl that loves her life, so they have to make up Paris life instead of living their own. That's sad. Fortunately, Paris has behind her a huge number of fans that will watch her back wherever she is. I am one of those people, because who cares what the haters say? Come on, I love this girl to death and I will support her no matter what happens. Paris, if you read this I just wanted to wish you an amazing summer! But I bet you are already having one, and that makes me so happy :) Hope you enjoy my beloved Europe, cause it's one of the best places on earth! Also, I would like to know if you are going to Ibiza this summer, cause I'm going, I absolutely love that island :) Enjoy the summer to the fullest Paris! Love you always babe xo Cristina
Jul 18, 2010
They should focus on their own life instead of other's. Forget them, you are perfect and we don't care what people say. Have an amazing summer gorgeous! :)
Paris, are you going to Ibiza this summer? Does anybody know? Please, let me know :) Love you xoxo C Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2010 at Paris Hilton
Thank you babe!
Hey! I was wondering if someone could confirm me if Paris will be filming on Ibiza on July 30th, because I have seen that in a magazine and I will be that day on Ibiza too! Hope you can tell... Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2010 at Paris Hilton
Of curse we Spain did it :) So proud of my country!
Thank you!
And Paris, hope you enjoyed the game. It was so exciting, wasn't it? :) Love you xoxo :)
Awww my country did it tonight to win for first time ever the World Cup! The whole Spain is crazy right now! I am incredibly happy because it makes me feel so proud of my country. Of course I knew... Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2010 at Paris Hilton
Sounds great. Wish I was there! Hope you have a great time tonight, don't forget to suppport Spain in the game! :) Love you xoxo
Cristina added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Jul 3, 2010
I have changed my profile pic! Do you guys like it? :) xoxo C Continue reading
Posted Jul 2, 2010 at Paris Hilton
Enjoy the game P! Are you watching Spain tomorrow? Love you :)
Cristina added a photo at Paris Hilton
At the end of the day, you know the few things that really matters and the ones you really care about. I will never stop saying this Paris, thank you for being in my life. I will always support you. Thanks for such a great inspiration and for the love you are giving to us fans. It really means a lot when somebody like you takes a bit of her time to share with us. I really appreciate what you are doing. I wish you all the best, you deserve it better than anybody. Thanks again idol :) Love you Paris! xoxo Cristina
Jun 13, 2010
Have fun tonight rocking the runway show, Paris! I'm sure you are going to look gorgeous. Can't wait to see the pics! Have a wonderful time babe :) Love you! xoxo C Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2010 at Paris Hilton
Thank you Paris :)
Toggle Commented Jun 6, 2010 on Teen Vogue Young Hollywood Party at Paris Hilton
Cristina added a photo at Paris Hilton
She is not only incredibly beautiful, but talented and nice. I feel really lucky to have her in my life. To have something to follow and support no matter what. I can't remember the first day I saw her or how young I was, but I don't mind either. Nowadays, I can say that Paris Hilton is the only one that makes me feel able to do anything. She is an inspiration. A true role model. I can't get enough of her. Everytime I see her on a magazine, on TV, I smile, because I'm proud of this girl, I'm proud of what she's doing. I don't know what will happen in months, or years, but I can be sure that I won't ever forget this girl or, and that I will never stop smiling and feeling proud everytime I hear about Paris Hilton. She makes anything possible, and that's what makes her my idol, and also the best idol in the world. I love you Paris :) Cristina.
Jun 6, 2010
Cristina added a favorite at Paris Hilton
May 16, 2010