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Rhode Island
Interests: Well, clearly my family, cooking, and baking, right? But photography is right up there, too. Because I've been making food and taking pictures since childhood, photography is one of the major strands in the braid. Other strands include reading, writing, listening to all types of music, drawing, designing and making quilts (though it's been years...), eating (kind of goes with the cooking and baking part) camping, fishing, gardening, talking, listening, and playing. There are more, but this will do for now.
Recent Activity
I'm so happy you commented at this particular point in time. I'd been wanting to find a quicker way to construct these and so earlier in the year I bought a new heavy-duty sewing machine so I could work with denim and other heavier fabrics without destroying my fingers in the process. I've only just started using it (it takes me a while sometimes) and after I get a few other projects out of the way I plan to figure out a way to streamline some of the potholder-making process. Fingers crossed!
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Because it's a jelly, you only use the juice, not the actual fruit (or, in this case, the garlic), but I suppose if you wanted to keep it in that would be fine. It would just become a jam or a preserve, not a jelly.
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I used CBD - first the oils, then the capsules, and it worked really well for a while, and then, very suddenly, they stopped having any effect. I don't know if I needed to increase the dosage again or try a different brand or what, but the cost became prohibitive, so I went back to the antidepressant I'd been on before, mainly because our health insurance covers most of the cost. I'd really wanted to use the CBD because it was a more natural option, but unfortunately it didn't work out. I'm glad it's helping your husband!
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I take Epsom salt baths, too! Sometimes I think just being alone with the sound of the running water and the steam and a good book helps tremendously. It blocks out all the other things going on in my world and gives me a much needed break. Somehow, the stressful voices in my head know to stay OUTSIDE the door as well.
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Kat, somehow I KNEW I’d hear from you right away, and it’s worth more than you could know. Definitely in the plus column. :)
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I used royal icing for the frosting and the eyeballs were gummy candies I found at a store.
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I think I go through these dramatic purges when I'm feeling overwhelmed and depressed. I remember burning all my diaries when I was in my twenties somewhere. At the time I wanted to delete what I considered my entirely pathetic previous years. So I burned all those pages. Other times I've purged books - like the Trixies - sort of to say "this time is past, I don't live there any more." Plus, Julia never wanted to read them. But all that purging usually came from a place of pain. At those times, it seemed like the only solution was to rip away a part of myself and get rid of it somehow.
Toggle Commented Jun 11, 2019 on Catching Up at The Barefoot Kitchen Witch
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Hi Lori, Thanks for your question - I haven't looked at this post in a while, and it was fun to scroll through and look at my kids when they were three years younger! Anyway, we don't use much water at all - maybe an inch at the most in the bottom of the pot, and yes, we cover the pot completely. Enjoy!!
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