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Barkocity is now following Laurie Luck
Mar 16, 2015
If more dog owners had the knowledge of how to train their dogs properly then there wouldn't be as many incidents headlining dog "attacks." It's the owners to blame, not the dogs. I, too agree with Cheryl and Chris. More people should seek out Dog Training and maybe some dogs wouldn't have a bad reputation. If you take on the responsibility of getting a big dog who has the ability to really hurt someone you, as an owner, need to take the time and put in the effort to provide the dog the training he needs! All dogs are trainable, even rescue dogs!
Very Good Sentences -- Without Provocation
Last week, the Whole Dog Journal issued the following as their "Tip of the Week" that I felt was very much worth sharing. Sorry for no direct link to the tip, but it's an email newsletter and I can't find it specifically online. But their sentences sum up a huge frustration over the media report...
Great article! You did a fantastic job outlining what to do if there's a break in the nail. It's definitely important to maintain our dog's nails all year long. :) To learn how to easily trim your dogs nails yourself you can visit http;//
Taking Care of Your Dog’s Nails in the Winter
Just like us, our dog’s skin and nails can take a beating in the colder winter months. Unattended nails that grow too long can break, cause discomfort or even do damage to a dog’s foot. Nails that are too long can lift your dog’s paw off the ground and can cause issues with the tendons in thei...
Barkocity is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 16, 2015
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