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Barry S. Rutherford
New Farm Brisbane Queensland
Student, Write articles on issues of the day, Play Snooker, Drink T.
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Barry S. Rutherford is now following Barbara
Jun 19, 2010
Barry S. Rutherford is now following Jory Des Jardins
May 23, 2010
Barry S. Rutherford added a favorite at Barrys Rutherford's blog
May 22, 2010
I saw a line, and a lighter line next to it. I...
I saw a line, and a lighter line next to it. I read the box again; negative would be just one line. Any second line, light or equally dark, meant yep--with child. Or with embryo, or multiplying cell mass, whatever you want to call it."What's taking you so long?" H-band... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2010 at Barrys Rutherford's blog
great article !
I hadn’t thought of it that way before.
Many years ago I put together a class called "So You Think You Want My Job" for the Boston Ad Club. It was designed for people who thought maybe they should get into advertising, but had no idea about who did what, or how things got done. I assembled a curriculum, and sent it off to Pat Burnham,...
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