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Bart Stephens
Interests: gardening, cameras, photography, gadgets, birds, bird watching
Recent Activity
Congratulations to our friend Jeff Gordon on becoming the next President of the American Birding Association. Jeff is a wonderfully nice and down-to-earth guy. The ABA has had a rocky recent history. At times they've been a bit distant and... Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2010 at WINGSCAPES
In the U.S., calling something "brilliant" usually means that it's shiny or bright; however in England, "brilliant" is also a commonly used term meaning "fantastic" or "superb" - which is exactly what we called this image of a Great Spotted... Continue reading
Posted Apr 25, 2010 at WINGSCAPES
When we first saw this photo in the Wingscapes BirdCam flickr® group, we thought “Those are some really unusual-looking sparrows.” However when we took a closer look (and read the photo’s caption) we quickly understood that they were Cape Sparrows... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2010 at WINGSCAPES
Patti from Sheffield Village, Ohio was thrilled to discover that her Wingscapes BirdCam had recorded this image of a female Ring-necked Duck that was being seen on the lake near her home. We are thrilled that she uploaded it to... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2010 at WINGSCAPES
Bart Stephens is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
While we do not make any representations of Wingscapes products as a home security devices, we do admit that they can be very handy in shining the light of truth upon some wildlife-related backyard thefts – late night raids to... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2010 at WINGSCAPES
Since the release of the new Wingscapes BirdCam 2.0 with built-in flash for night-time and low light photos, we have been seeing many more mammal photos, such as this one of a frost-covered Red Fox recorded by Dan in Westhampton,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2010 at WINGSCAPES
Bart with family in Chicago during BirdCam sales trip, Summer 2009. Tis the season to be grateful. We'd like to thank ALL of you. Anyone who reads this blog, owns a Wingscapes product, or is otherwise aware of us...thank you.... Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2009 at WINGSCAPES
The BirdCam and PlantCam make it easier than ever to share birding and gardening with others. Wingscapes is using social media tools Facebook and Twitter to help you connect with other BirdCam and PlantCam users from around the world. To... Continue reading
Posted Nov 23, 2009 at WINGSCAPES
We have been surprised and delighted by the brilliant photography and videography that has been contributed to over the past two years. Thank you to everyone who has contributed! To celebrate the arrival of our new line of cameras,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2009 at WINGSCAPES
While many BirdCam owners prefer to focus their cameras directly on their favorite bird feeders, there are a number of other possible placements that can be equally as successful for recording some amazing images from the daily life of your... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2009 at WINGSCAPES
Although summer has not quite yet left us, evidence that the autumn migration is well underway is being seen all throughout the country. Soon many of our favorite spring and summer feeder visiting birds will be replaced by species that... Continue reading
Posted Sep 18, 2009 at WINGSCAPES