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Bastien Labelle
Toulouse, France
French tech enthusiast!
Interests: pretty things!
Recent Activity
Wow, this snake is really creepy!!
Pictures of the year 2009: animals eating each other A hungry King snake saw something moving and went for it - not realising it was its own tail. The snake's owner took the snake to vet Rob Reynolds at Seers Croft Veterinary Surgery, Nr Crawley, Sussex, who managed to dislocate its jaw...
Cool release. Are you planning to setup a typepad motion on the old domain name?
TypePad Motion
Today at Six Apart we released Motion, the project that I've been working on for the past year along with Six Apart's open source team. Motion is a new microblogging platform that can be used to create community sites. As a member of a Motion site you can post content such as messages, phot...
Bastien Labelle is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 12, 2009
Bastien Labelle is now following kimmi8
Aug 4, 2009
Bastien Labelle is now following GuiM
Jun 25, 2009
w00t! félicitations :)
Happy Raccoon
Attendez-vous à en découvrir plus sur Seesmic régulièrement sur ce blog car j'ai rejoint Seesmic depuis quelques jours (et à temps complet à partir de juillet quand j'aurai déménagé à San Francisco). La plupart d'entre vous doivent connaître la startup de Loïc, qui fait notamment dans la vidéo ...
Bastien Labelle is now following Stéphane Rangaya
Jun 9, 2009
Bastien Labelle is now following Leah Culver
May 1, 2009
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