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Ha! You are a PHREAK!
They say we are all stars in our own movies about our own lives, but who really writes that script? How is it edited? And is it real, or are these movies works of phiction? phony + fiction = phiction Although I don't think phony or fiction are exactly the right words to describe what I mean,...
"sophistication, humor, and unsophistication"! That about says it all!!!
I feel lucky that I have lived -- not just visited -- many different places over the years. I had some great experiences and met some interesting, fun, talented, and smart people. Maryland: (1966 - 89) I was born and raised in Laurel, Maryland -- the first 12 years on the Prince Georges count...
LOL I shall have to try that!!!!
Your rockin' sewer person
Letter to Bruce: Sewer People
Dear Bruce, Just so you know, I think "sewer people" rock. After all, one of my all time favorite people living or fictional, is Elle Woods. She was a natural lawyer because she wouldn't let people get away with bad behavior, and she could pronounce big important words like ammonium thyglocul...
Wow....Just wow....Sewer person???? Fine....I can be mean too!
W----Washed up has-beens with Weathered skin
I---Image-obsessed "pretty people" with Illusory "depth"
N---No NFL team
;-) Just teasin baby! (can you tell I'm SF born and raised)
Great post, as usual!!!!
Win Angeles
My friend Jamie made a funny comment about my last post Loss Sucks. He said, "You need to get out of Loss Angeles." I haven't been here very long, but for some reason I have a feeling that this is where I'm supposed to be, and eventually it's going to be Win Angeles. The main reason is that I'...
BatmanSF is now following Mike Shaffrey's blog
Aug 9, 2010
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