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Brandon added a photo at Post the Love
I find love somewhere else, I mean I love my pets, and family. But I love this car of mine. It was restored between me and my dad, and he gave it to me as a gift. Ever since I was born half my life was in the back seat of that car. Road Trips, Vacation, and Camping. The picture was taken this year at the lake where we always would go camping & jet skiing as a family. We have no gone in over 5 years, im only 19. When I saw your movie Dear John, the scene's with your dad especially at the end when he is in the hospital it made me shed tears thinking about my dad and how much I love him and how I never want him to go. Whenever I used to get sad and/or depressed the only thing that would cheer me up, or get me out of the ditch was sitting or driving in this car. Right now due to the salt/sand/snow its garaged and I'm having a very hard time, and it sucks because everyday I think about how bad I wish I could go out and drive it again. Its an amazing thing that I have such a strong bond with an inadament object.
Feb 16, 2010
Brandon is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 15, 2010