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Brett McLaughlin
Rockwall, Texas
Family. Fitness. Music. Trying to make art and chase dreams.
Recent Activity
Shoulder Press @ 70% BW: 1 @ 60kg
Max strict pull up: 5/5
2000m row: 7:30
Monday, December 19, 2016
LIFT Pull-up 1 x max reps (strict) WOD For Time: 2000 meter Row Cool Down 3 Rounds For Quality: 5 GHD Back Extensions 10 V-ups Post number of reps on the lift and time on the WOD to comments. Click here if you think this looks too hard
RX 20:12
(Clearly none of us were taking this as a recovery workout for very long! 😂😂)
Friday, November 25, 2016
Thanksgiving Schedule: Friday - 9 am only Saturday - normal schedule Sunday - normal schedule LIFT Overhead Squat Rx - 5 x 2 reps (85%) L2 - 5 x 2 reps (85%) L1 - 5 x 5 reps (+2-5 kg) WOD "Recovery Day" 400 meter Jog 30 Ring Rows 800 Meter Jog 30 Walking Lunges 800 Meter Jo...
Jerk, 3 x 40kg
OH Squat, 3 x 23kg (humbling!)
Completed all 3 rounds of WOD
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
LIFTS - Rx Jerk - 5x3 reps (60%, 70%, 80% x3) Snatch Balance - 5x3 reps (60%, 70%, 80% x3) LIFTS - L2 Jerk - 5x3 reps (60%, 70%, 80% x3) Snatch Balance - 5x3 reps (60%, 70%, 80% x3) LIFTS - L1 Jerk - 5x3 reps Overhead Squat - 5x3 reps WOD 3 Rounds For Quality: 10 GHD...
Pull Ups: Blue band, 8-6-5
WOD: L2 12:51
Monday, November 7, 2016
CrossFit Kids - 5:15 pm CrossFit Teens - 6 pm LIFT Pull-up 3 x max reps (strict) WOD For Time: (15 Minute Time Cap) 90 Box Jump Overs (24" / 20") 60 KB Swings (24kg / 16kg) 30 Strict Handstand Push-ups Level 2 : For Time: (15 Minute Time Cap) 90 Box Jump Overs (20" / ...
Brett McLaughlin is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 7, 2016
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