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Beatrice Johnston
A very happy vegan entrepreneur fulfilling my dreams one by one.
Recent Activity
Beatrice Johnston is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Crop Mobs - The new way to be a citizen farmer
This past Sunday (feb 28, 2010) in the New York Times Magazine I read an article about Crop Mobs. If you’ve never heard of them (like me) I really suggest you take a couple of minutes to read through it. The article is about a volunteer movement in North Carolina which involves a group of people helping out a local farmer. They help farmers to do some of the basic and even not-so-basic tasks around the farms such as mulching, building greenhouses and even pulling rocks out of fields. Reading the article reminded me of a lovely Sunday afternoon a... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2010 at HealthySparks
Getting your food storage (and waste) under control
How many times have you purchased something just to watch it go bad in the fridge or on the shelf? Believe me, you’re not alone. As accustomed as I am to perishable foods, I am still prey every week to an item or two going bad. One way that I reduce the waste is to shop more often. Before transitioning to a high raw diet, I would only shop for groceries once a month! What that meant was that I bought a lot of foods with additives and preservatives to make it last longer. When I bought my house 5... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2010 at HealthySparks
The really scary thing about public promises…
Last night I sent out “Healthy Sparks Weekly” – my weekly ezine that delivers inspiring health information and transition recipes. I’ve always been pretty consistent on getting my ezine out each week to subscribers because I receive feedback every week on how it’s helping people and how the changes they are making are making a difference in their lives. With the New Year came a new brand “Healthy Sparks” (which was formerly Raw Pathways) and with it also came a time of reflection. One of the things that I noticed as I took a look at my schedule and activities... Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2010 at HealthySparks
Slow Food - Good Vibes
Every once in a while I find a resource that really makes me proud. Sometimes in my ever evolving brain I think of things, hop over to my computer and think "has anyone else thought of this?" Well, today the idea of "slow food" popped into my head. I don't know if it was because I had just baked a potato (90 minutes cooking time) or if it's because I was tired and thinking about sleep. In any case, I thought of "slow food," hopped on my computer and entered it into Google. Well, imagine my surprise when the website... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2010 at HealthySparks
I had a really hard time trying to figure out how to customize my template using this new design, whereas with the old design it was a cinch. I may switch back, but suggest many tutorials for this, too many things have changed.
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Love this post! How true and helpful.
Cherish Yourself....
...and watch incredible things start to happen Guest Post by Michelle Morris Spieker Somewhere along the journey toward living the life of our dreams, we lost our way. We forgot the importance of taking care of ourselves, of nurturing our soul, and of filling the well in order to live the l...
Michelle, this is such a great reminder that our lives are but a breath! Thanks for getting me refocused at the beginning of the week.
Life Is Short
So, here I sit at my laptop after enjoying a fun-filled weekend with friends. Lounging out in Battery Park, eating great food in the Lower East Side, and grabbing coffee with a good friend in Washington Heights, all filled my days and nights to no end. I always enjoying catching up with friends...
Well, if there were a fire I think the first thing I'd grab would be my laptop and external drive. Next to that would probably be my passport. Gee, is that shallow?
What is your most cherished possession?
Submitted by Hometown Girl.
Beatrice Johnston is now following TAS mania
Jul 23, 2009
This new navigation is not very intuitive, and too much searching to find out where things are. Don't like the skeletal system at all. I don't have time to try to sort through and bounce around trying to figure out what's going on.
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