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primrose plumm
san diego
Christina Kernoski is a writer, photographer, poet and designer. She is the editor and blogger for primroseplumm. Living a simple life in San Diego with substance and style, and loving every bit of it.
Recent Activity
Hello! I hope your week is treating you nicely. I, for one, am trying to be optimistic and stay positive during these times. Today I am posting something a bit different from my norm. A DIY post. It is probably one of my favorites. Maybe exaggerating a little bit, but... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2016 at primrose plumm
A 24- hour time period to dedicate to yourself, and nobody else… My grandmother used to say that Sundays were simply for resting and rejuvenating, a twenty-four hour time period that you could dedicate to yourself, and nobody else. It’s easy for me to ignore her advice, shake it off... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2016 at primrose plumm
Embrace darkness and mystery this Halloween… This Hallow’s Eve = dark and sultry. Play up your mystery, magic and sensuality. The Vampire Avery Long Dress, Foiled Horn Hoops, Stairway to Heaven Belt, Rebel Soul Choker Makeup used: Forbidden Lipstick, Desire Inner Glow Cream Blush, Nightshade Ash and Ember Eye Soot,... Continue reading
Posted Oct 30, 2016 at primrose plumm
❤️ This is how you lose her. You lose her when you forget to remember the little things that mean the world to her: the sincerity in a stranger’s voice during a trip to the grocery, the delight of finding something lost or forgotten like a sticker from when she... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2016 at primrose plumm
Certain women always have people by their side, whether they’re boyfriends, friends with benefits or both. And if they don’t, they keep looking. On the other side, there are a bunch of women who haven’t gone through the whole “dating” phase of their life. I am one of those women,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2016 at primrose plumm
Good Bye 2015. You where a year of many memories. If I learned anything , it's that you should tell people how important they are to you. Not because they could leave at any moment, but because they're here now, and its worth saying something. Dear 2016, I promise to... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2015 at primrose plumm
'Tis the season of magic, that is for sure. Of crisp days, when eerie winds cause a chill down our spine, and have us longing for potions, and spells, and all things mystical… But what if magic were more than that? What if magic existed in every moment of life;... Continue reading
Posted Oct 21, 2015 at primrose plumm
She: Cancels a date at the last minute and apologizes, but won't give him a reason. describes her evening in five words or fewer ( "it was really fun"), and then goes strait to bed. talks politics with her mouth and sex with her eyes. is alarmingly honest and answers... Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2015 at primrose plumm
EQUINOX is upon us. It’s a time to connect with Mother Earth and whisper our prayers to the wind. Lay on her and feel ourselves held and supported. Gaze at our night sky, and like our ancestors before us, look out into our vast universe and breathe in the wonder... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2015 at primrose plumm
I made it! I circled around the sun another year. I would say,"and all the wiser". But one thing I know is that even the wisest man knows that he know nothing at all. So, instead, I will leave you with 30 tid bits I have learned along my journey.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 3, 2015 at primrose plumm
You know when love is just beautiful? When you find someone who’s creases in the palms of their hands perfectly match up with yours? When that person’s smile is like the sunrise to your happiness? Just the mere thought of them creates a tidal wave of butterflies in the pit... Continue reading
Posted Aug 26, 2015 at primrose plumm
The past couple of weeks has been a trying time for me, in more than just one relationship in my life. The chaotic and morose energy has been hovering like a heavy thick fog. Threw this I have learned there are certainly times when it is better to keep quiet.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2015 at primrose plumm
Realizing there must be an exact number, I wonder what it would be like if we could see the exact number of times we'd smiled because if each person we looked at (floating above their head in a tastefull font) and maybe even an all time number of smiles they'd... Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2015 at primrose plumm
Take the time to talk to the elderly lady next door, to read a book, to walk on fresh cut grass on a beautiful day. Take the time to escape for a weekend with friends. Take the time to listen and to get to know yourself. Take the time to... Continue reading
Posted Jul 25, 2015 at primrose plumm
In exploring connections + relationships, we tend to get disappointed, frustrated, or angry, not because of what someone has done to us, but because of what we think we deserve based on the investment we have put into that connection. Most people will think they don't owe you much, yet... Continue reading
Posted Jul 1, 2015 at primrose plumm
Maybe you should ask your therapist or psychotherapist about something like that.
HEADS If her wardrobe is made up only of black, it's not because she's mourning. Quite the contrary. Black is the color of celebration,the color of nights that never end, of women who pull the blinds to shut out the dawn. A long, dark silhouette, slender and elegant, walking through... Continue reading
Posted Jun 25, 2015 at primrose plumm
This is more of a personal post but something that is just as important for us all as humans to recognize. No matter the great things achieved, we must not forget the hard work our parents and grandparents achieved so we could be so successful. I am thankful for my... Continue reading
Posted Jun 20, 2015 at primrose plumm
Once you reach a certain stage in life," you have the face that you deserve." Coco Chanell wasn't one to mince her words and her cruelty was legendary. Never the less, in the collective female psyche, a few things ring true. In the street, in a café, on the bus,... Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2015 at primrose plumm
And mine as well.
Toggle Commented May 27, 2015 on An Optimistic View On Love- at primrose plumm
Get it girl ✨
Toggle Commented May 27, 2015 on An Optimistic View On Love- at primrose plumm
So nice you told me twice 😉
Toggle Commented May 27, 2015 on An Optimistic View On Love- at primrose plumm
In general, love stories end badly. You've known this for as long as you can remember- but that's not all. You've also been told that you're going to fall in love several times,and so how could the first man be the right one? You've been warned endlessly that there will... Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2015 at primrose plumm
Why? Why does the Light constantly push us – through other people and challenging situations – to change? It is very simple and we have heard it before: the law of attraction. Like attracts like. I’m the magnet that attracts everything and everyone into my life – if I don’t... Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2015 at primrose plumm
What if mermaids really exist? Deep down in the depths of the ocean, they swim and sing, every so often peeking out of the surface for a dose of sunshine. I’d like to believe that they do. The ocean is a mystical, magical place… In its layers of turquoise, aquamarine,... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2015 at primrose plumm