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Becky Bermont
Recent Activity
Weird! I thought CEOs spoke in 3s. Maybe the world has gotten more complex ...
The number of my ideas increased by 300% by listening to this talk.
Toggle Commented May 17, 2007 on Spk: Bumshik Hong at ID Strategy Conference 2007
"We were an execution company; everything was about speed; we were able to do everything in 2 months. You were not allowed one minute of downtime from a network connection. Now we need to be more open, to hire people with emotional aspects who can empathize with people."
Toggle Commented May 17, 2007 on Spk: Bumshik Hong at ID Strategy Conference 2007
"What would someone like Bill Gates put on his bookshelf? It Bill's case, it wasn't the anecdotal stories from Jack Welch or Lou Gerstner; stories of famous CEOs turning around companies. Instead, Mr. Gates collects the stacks of the smartest people in various fields: Abraham Lincoln, Jonas Salk, DaVinci. Infinite resources means taking a look back in time and looking for learning across various disciplines. That's design."
Toggle Commented May 17, 2007 on Spk: Jim Hackett at ID Strategy Conference 2007