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el fabuloso
Recent Activity
An Instagram World. Part One.
I love instagram and I use it almost everyday. I love to stop and take snapshots of my daily life. Here are a few images from my instagram feed. A beautiful nyc day Brian and I having mate Green tea at my desk Duo in the city Beautiful spring flowers "Don't stop love" neon sign Are you...
I'm not a fan of coconut water… I've always said it tastes like blood and people look at me like I'm crazy. A while back I learned that coconut water is an isotonic solution and can be used as IV fluid instead of saline and it totally made sense. Yet another benefit! :)
Hydrated, Fabulous Life. Coconut Water.
Coconut water is everywhere to be found. It comes in different packaging, flavors and sizes. Is this a trend or are there really benefits to coconut water? I would say yes, there are benefits. Here are a few of the reasons I drink coconut water: hydrates naturally rich in fiber provides ener...
Good breakdown. Although I prefer serendipity over luck. ;)
Lucky or Not?
This Sunday is St. Patrick's Day, so I thought it would be appropriate to talk about luck. Wikipedia says: "Luck is fortune which occurs beyond one's control, without regard to one's will, intention, or desired result." Do you agree with this? I don't all. Luck is often seen as somet...
LOVE that haiku! :)
I Can Do It. NYC.
This past weekend I went to the "I Can Do IT. Ignite" event. It was a two day event held here in NYC. There were authors and speakers such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Gabrielle Bernstein, Cheryl Richardson and many more. Have you heard of it? The speaker's subjects ranged from health, rela...
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