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Dear Martha,
Thank you for posting Hunny on your site. I didn't know about this until now. Here's an update: she has not been found. The last "good" sighting was up at 191st St. and Amsterdam Ave., ca. 12/25 or so. We have posted flyers from 130th/Amsterdam up to 151st, then 168th to 191st, Dyckman St., and Inwood Hill and Riverside Park. We're hopeful she's still out there, and if folks can keep an eye out, it is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your help,
Barbara Morgan/Hunny's "Mom"
If you live in NYC, keep an eye out for this lost dog, please: Hunny the pit!
Apparently Hunny, a sweet brindle 2-year-old, got loose on the Upper West Side three days ago. (Christmas Eve!) According to Amy, of the NYC Pit Bull Meetup, Hunny is very friendly, possibly wearing a fleece jacket, and has never been away from her owner before. So as you're trying to get throu...
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Jan 16, 2011
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