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Lyn Benoit Goodnight
Recent Activity
If they bought a clue, the Republicans would insist on an equal cut somewhere else.
But seriously, I think that what the travel industry is feeling is not so different from what all of us are feeling with cuts happening everywhere. We're short of police, teachers, nurses, and here in Colorado Springs (a travel-dependent economy) we cut out the care and feeding of our local parks and other tourist destinations, while watching our local officials go off on jaunts to D.C. and elsewhere. Ordinary folks ask why there has to be travel when internet meetings are possible. As Washington scrambles to cut more from the budget, we're all feeling the cuts, just in different ways.
Honestly...Can the Administration Buy a Clue?
This class warfare shit has got to stop. And our President needs to think twice three times before he injures the hospitality industry yet again. First it was his infamous slap at Vegas. Then he said we should save our money and not take vacations. Then he tried to stop federal travel to save t...
Lyn Benoit Goodnight is now following Stefan G. Bucher
Jul 14, 2011
So, just tell me she's not a Tea Party candidate!
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Lyn Benoit Goodnight is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 3, 2011
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