This is AvatarRobin's Typepad Profile.
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Interests: na'vi and pandora cause that world is so much more alive and beautyfull that its pitty that we cant live there just cause its unreal but i stil dream about it thats its real and that im one of the people (na'vi)
Recent Activity
i dont get how you put it in a map ?
No title
wel i have to go so eywa ngahu too you all :D
wel i have to go so eywa ngahu too you all :D Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2010 at AVATAR
dang isent on tis computer sorry to dissepoint you
No title
belgium wooot!!!
It's really kind of amazing how many people we...
It's really kind of amazing how many people we have here on this blog site. People from around the around! And here we all are talking about the greatest movie to hit the 21st century, how it has made us feel, how it has inspired us or made us more aware of our environment or ourselves. Everyone,...
wait il sen a beatyfull pic 2 at my opinion then :D
No title
teres so many beautyfull parts as sad parts and happy parts what neytiry has been troo
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hey nicholas whats you name so i add you
here you guys :-)
here you guys :-)
ye ive added him 2 whats you name so i can add you 2 :p
here you guys :-)
here you guys :-)
here you guys :-)
here you guys :-) Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2010 at AVATAR
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you...
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you tink its more then just a good movie i rly like some questions here but i would tink its handier if we tried to talk troo e-mail or someting similiar some people can send their e-mail adress to me if avatar changed your lifes 2 like it did like mine
can you guys giv you facebook names again
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you...
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you tink its more then just a good movie i rly like some questions here but i would tink its handier if we tried to talk troo e-mail or someting similiar some people can send their e-mail adress to me if avatar changed your lifes 2 like it did like mine
didnt anyone found me yet?
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you...
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you tink its more then just a good movie i rly like some questions here but i would tink its handier if we tried to talk troo e-mail or someting similiar some people can send their e-mail adress to me if avatar changed your lifes 2 like it did like mine
hmm just look for robin bergen no more info :-)
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you...
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you tink its more then just a good movie i rly like some questions here but i would tink its handier if we tried to talk troo e-mail or someting similiar some people can send their e-mail adress to me if avatar changed your lifes 2 like it did like mine
ok now i normal i got a photo of an avatar now so easy to find me now :-)
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you...
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you tink its more then just a good movie i rly like some questions here but i would tink its handier if we tried to talk troo e-mail or someting similiar some people can send their e-mail adress to me if avatar changed your lifes 2 like it did like mine
uum lemme check
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you...
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you tink its more then just a good movie i rly like some questions here but i would tink its handier if we tried to talk troo e-mail or someting similiar some people can send their e-mail adress to me if avatar changed your lifes 2 like it did like mine
ok you guys found my facebook? (robin bergen)
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you...
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you tink its more then just a good movie i rly like some questions here but i would tink its handier if we tried to talk troo e-mail or someting similiar some people can send their e-mail adress to me if avatar changed your lifes 2 like it did like mine
k just look for robin bergen
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you...
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you tink its more then just a good movie i rly like some questions here but i would tink its handier if we tried to talk troo e-mail or someting similiar some people can send their e-mail adress to me if avatar changed your lifes 2 like it did like mine
im makking one atm so pls wait a sec
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you...
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you tink its more then just a good movie i rly like some questions here but i would tink its handier if we tried to talk troo e-mail or someting similiar some people can send their e-mail adress to me if avatar changed your lifes 2 like it did like mine
i can make facebook
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you...
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you tink its more then just a good movie i rly like some questions here but i would tink its handier if we tried to talk troo e-mail or someting similiar some people can send their e-mail adress to me if avatar changed your lifes 2 like it did like mine
i tink ive added soem1 but i dont know if its one of you 2
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you...
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you tink its more then just a good movie i rly like some questions here but i would tink its handier if we tried to talk troo e-mail or someting similiar some people can send their e-mail adress to me if avatar changed your lifes 2 like it did like mine
i cant make a e-mailadres like that i only can make an windows live so im sorry
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you...
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you tink its more then just a good movie i rly like some questions here but i would tink its handier if we tried to talk troo e-mail or someting similiar some people can send their e-mail adress to me if avatar changed your lifes 2 like it did like mine
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you...
i rly like the movie avatar i know alot of you tink its more then just a good movie i rly like some questions here but i would tink its handier if we tried to talk troo e-mail or someting... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2010 at AVATAR
im going to start a new line of talking so if you wane talk to me now go look more up :-)
Hay Everyone, I need your help! Ok, here's the...
Hay Everyone, I need your help! Ok, here's the deal... I've seen AVATAR 5 times. I've seen it with family and friends. Some of my other friends have Seen AVATAR on their own. But no matter who has seen AVATAR, none of them are as enthusiastic about it as I am, as we are. There is nobody I know (I...
uum nicolas btw i awserd the question on my pics you asked an question tere that was rather intresting
Hay Everyone, I need your help! Ok, here's the...
Hay Everyone, I need your help! Ok, here's the deal... I've seen AVATAR 5 times. I've seen it with family and friends. Some of my other friends have Seen AVATAR on their own. But no matter who has seen AVATAR, none of them are as enthusiastic about it as I am, as we are. There is nobody I know (I...
ok its just to ask if you people download windows live just type it in and then youl normoly get it and then you can create a @hotmail account like i have whitch talks rly easy
Hay Everyone, I need your help! Ok, here's the...
Hay Everyone, I need your help! Ok, here's the deal... I've seen AVATAR 5 times. I've seen it with family and friends. Some of my other friends have Seen AVATAR on their own. But no matter who has seen AVATAR, none of them are as enthusiastic about it as I am, as we are. There is nobody I know (I...
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