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"Whimsical flavors, designs, ideas."
Interests: knitting, homemaking, cooking, writing, drawing, sewing, baking, urban homesteading, handspinning... all things creative and domestic.
Recent Activity
Gathering Apron from Sew Liberated
Often (umm, too often), I come upon a sewing pattern that just fits my aesthetic so much that I must buy it. That's how it was with The Gathering Apron by Sew Liberated. Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2014 at Berlin's Whimsy
About Berlinswhimsy
Hi there!.. I enjoy all things creative: photography, cooking & baking, sewing, knitting, crochet, drawing, and all things in between. I'm always up to something. My blog pages are strewn with my interests and through the years they have come and gone... Currently, my day job allows me to work... Continue reading
Posted Jul 18, 2014 at About
My Space.
I've never studied Feng Shui or taken to becoming very adept at decorating. However, I do know that I like my little corners of interest, inspiration, and memories. I'll focus my attention on those spots rather than the spaces that accumulate the clutter of a mom and two teens. Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2014 at Berlin's Whimsy
june through july.
I recently read this past post about my daughter----who turned 15 over a week ago: In a State of Grace. To this day, my daughter bemoans her name--- the common association of her name, Grace (being graceful---- which, she is not!). But the name, and my daughter, are so much more than the typical definition of Grace. In fact, when I read through that previous post, I nodded in agreement. And I felt so much appreciation for the grace that she brings to our family's life. Continue reading
Posted Aug 11, 2013 at Berlin's Whimsy
This was my view for much of a recent hike with my son: his lanky frame in front of me between the curves of our trail. It was a rare just-you-and-me moment for us---- few and far between these days.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 22, 2013 at Berlin's Whimsy
Basil Butter Spread for Grilled Corn
This time of year, our grill gets a lot of use and since corn on the cob is plentiful, cheap, and GOOD, we often serve it alongside our other favorites.Sometimes, though, the usual butter & salt treatment gets a little boring. Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2013 at Berlin's Whimsy
Bits of the garden.
"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need." ~Marcus Tillius Cicero Continue reading
Posted Jul 6, 2013 at Berlin's Whimsy
Kimchi Fried Rice
Kimchi fried rice is all over the internet and fried rice in general doesn't really require a recipe. It's more of a technique. It's also a perfect last-minute dinner! If you have cold rice in your frig, veggies, eggs, and a protein, dinner is ready in minutes. In fact, I feel silly providing a recipe because it's so adaptable to what you have on hand---- but nonetheless, this is the technique I use for fried rice. Continue reading
Posted Jul 2, 2013 at Berlin's Whimsy
Pimento Cheese Dip & 17-year olds
He is growing up too quickly. This post was just yesterday, right? And yet, in many ways, he is still that same kid. Continue reading
Posted Jun 23, 2013 at Berlin's Whimsy
Herbed Marinade
This marinade is my current favorite for flavoring up whatever we’re in the mood for. I’ve used it on chicken, shrimp, and beef. It’s a little akin to one of my favorite sauces, Argentine Chimichurri sauce. Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2013 at Berlin's Whimsy
Yes, we all need gentle reminders to savor the moment--- kids are wonderful at providing them. :-)
patient kids
My kids are so patient with me. They put up with my chores, frenzied demands, deadlines, healthy foods, and yes, my worrying. Sure, they make messes, put off mowing, sleep until 12:30 when no one's home, bicker, and maintain a level of mess in their rooms that would make the cast of Hoarder...
patient kids
My kids are so patient with me. They put up with my chores, frenzied demands, deadlines, healthy foods, and yes, my worrying. Sure, they make messes, put off mowing, sleep until 12:30 when no one's home, bicker, and maintain a level of mess in their rooms that would make the cast of Hoarders cringe. Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2013 at Berlin's Whimsy
let go or be dragged.
I am experiencing a lot of illumination in my life. Interesting how one conversation and another person's similar experiences and perspective can change everything. It's as if I was looking north all this time--- looking for the path through a... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2013 at Berlin's Whimsy
Sewing Plans.
Each week, I have sewing plans. I can’t list all of the patterns I want to make (well, there’s the Darling Ranges Dress, the Banksia Top, the Esme Top, Cake Pattern's Tiramisu, Colette Chantilly, and Sewaholic's Cambrie). Someday, I'll finish them all! Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2013 at Berlin's Whimsy
Knitting focus.
P and I split up during the holidays of 2011. We spent the last year and a half not accepting the fact that we split up during the holidays of 2011. Lately, my focus has been redirected to my own growth through this process and noticing the things in my life that bring me joy, fulfillment, and grounding. I now have a house of my own, a full-time (and fulfilling) job at a library, and two teenage children. I’m making a go of it, but I'm busy. Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2013 at Berlin's Whimsy
Hi Pam--- I had to switch my blog feeds to Bloglovin. Have you tried it? So far, I am enjoying the service. :-)
Food for the Week Ahead.
Follow my blog with Bloglovin It’s been awhile here. So much has changed in my life. I work in a library. I work full-time. And I still make things. But I’m busy. Very, very busy. My level of mid-week stress hinges upon my level of completed chores over the weekend. There are the usual chores,...
Hi Rose--- My son & daughter are doing quite well, but they are growing up far too fast! I will post pics soon.
Food for the Week Ahead.
Follow my blog with Bloglovin It’s been awhile here. So much has changed in my life. I work in a library. I work full-time. And I still make things. But I’m busy. Very, very busy. My level of mid-week stress hinges upon my level of completed chores over the weekend. There are the usual chores,...
My Old Friend
But it seems that for me, it takes a certain level of permission to sit down, forget everything else, pick up my needles, and settle into the relaxation of knitting. I haven’t had the time for that these past ten months, I tell myself. But in reality, I haven’t chosen to take the time. Recently, I did, though. And it was just what my distracted mind needed---- the repetitive motion, the feel of wool, the clicking of the needles, wool's earthy smell, the tangible reward of my progress. My old friend. Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2013 at Berlin's Whimsy
Grilled Romaine Addiction.
Once I find something I like, I revisit it often. Okay... yes, obsess over it might be a more accurate description. Take this Grilled Romaine Salad. I know, you foodies out there are rolling your eyes and calling me out-of-date. For you, the newness of grilled lettuce has lost its 'a-ha' edge. But for late comers like me, I'm still in the obsession phase. Continue reading
Posted May 16, 2013 at Berlin's Whimsy
Hi Ellen-- Glad you stopped by! It's nice to hear from you! I hope to be posting more frequently... :-)
Food for the Week Ahead.
Follow my blog with Bloglovin It’s been awhile here. So much has changed in my life. I work in a library. I work full-time. And I still make things. But I’m busy. Very, very busy. My level of mid-week stress hinges upon my level of completed chores over the weekend. There are the usual chores,...
Erin--- That sounds yummy! I love the flavor combo of cheddar & pickle... and I'll put avocado on just about anything! :-)
Food for the Week Ahead.
Follow my blog with Bloglovin It’s been awhile here. So much has changed in my life. I work in a library. I work full-time. And I still make things. But I’m busy. Very, very busy. My level of mid-week stress hinges upon my level of completed chores over the weekend. There are the usual chores,...
Sarah (hi there!), I would be out of luck if I had the food trucks nearby! The fact that I only have McD's and Artic Circle to choose from has been a great motivator in motivating me to plan my meals ahead!!! :-)
Food for the Week Ahead.
Follow my blog with Bloglovin It’s been awhile here. So much has changed in my life. I work in a library. I work full-time. And I still make things. But I’m busy. Very, very busy. My level of mid-week stress hinges upon my level of completed chores over the weekend. There are the usual chores,...
Food for the Week Ahead.
My level of mid-week stress hinges upon my level of completed chores over the weekend. There are the usual chores, such as laundry, vacuuming, and such, but the chores that really affect my stress level are my kitchen chores. That is, food prep. Preparing food for the week ahead... Continue reading
Posted May 13, 2013 at Berlin's Whimsy
Peter Pan Collar.
I'm quite smitten with Peter Pan collars these days---- I'm not sure that it was fashionable in the 70s, but I do remember wearing clothes with this style of collar. The project above is based on Colette's free downloadable Sorbetto... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2012 at Berlin's Whimsy
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