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Lois Parker
I'm a retired Admin Officer - glad to be released from a stressful workplace and determined to enjoy life to the full.
Interests: Reading, Sewing, Cooking
Recent Activity
Hi Sarah!
I did that too!
I could harvest their trees & chooks, EVERYTHING! DEFINITELY NOT GOOD! Because we collect their goods & get the money. Only 5 things a day though.
So we can still fertilise 5 plots OR HARVEST 5 THINGS & GET THE MONEY - NOOOOOOO!
I agree with you!! Not fair! Especially if all your neighbours harvest 5 items a day, we'd have nothing left for ourselvs to harvest!
FarmVille Update for August 31, 2010
Today’s update includes new ways to visit your friends. Now your Neighbor’s can help you plow fallow plots, collect from animals and harvest trees! There are also new additions to the Wild West theme and a newly restocked Mystery Game to boot. For more on these new items, please check out the b...
Hi Barbara,
I've just come across your blog today- how wonderful.
If you need any more backups for your project, just let me know.
Help Needed - Are You Interested
I had a three week project in mind for July. Unfortunately it is more work than I am able to achieve. Rather than shelve the project I'm looking for volunteers to participate. I need 19 food bloggers. You would be required to research the food traditions from a given area, bake, photograph and...
Lois Parker is now following Barbara
Jun 11, 2010
Lois Parker is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 11, 2010
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