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My name is Bernard. I'm from Malta. What can I say, I am mad about Avatar, since the first time I saw it on the 3rd of January, 2010, at 2.30pm!
Interests: history, reading, listening to movie soundtracks, playing pc games., watching movies (over and over again). If you like to know me more, see my Facebook Profile:!/profile.php?id=605463003
Recent Activity
My grandfather likes to tell me stories about the bombing Malta suffered. So even here war stories to tend to come up! I remember one story told by my grandmother's brother. He was watching a German bomber and noticed that something fell out of the tail after being hit by flak. He managed to find the object which turned out to be a machine gun! Complete with the ammunition belt. However the gun was damaged and unworkable. He immediately started playing with it, pretending he was a machine-gunner! His uncle saw him and started screaming and shouting "Don't play with it, you could die!" He didn't pay any attention and carried on mucking with it till a couple of British soldiers came. He ran off and hid behind a tree and watched the soldiers carrying off the machine gun. I remember he told me that he wished that he hid and kept the machine gun as it would have made a great souvenir, but he was very young at the time and that thought probably didn't come through his mind.
Hi everyone! How are you all? I'm great here, eating cheese! Had a great day, went to an exhibition about Anne Frank. Was extremely moving and interesting. Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2011 at AVATAR
I'm off to bed, got to wake up early. Eywa Ngahu! Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2011 at AVATAR
Had a lot to do, presentations, exams blah blah bla. Thankfully I had only three exams, and they're weren't that difficult. Now I've got to wait for the results, which must be the most annoying part. How are you? How's life been keeping you?
Toggle Commented Feb 7, 2011 on Is it me, or has everyone gone away? at AVATAR
Is it me, or has everyone gone away? Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2011 at AVATAR
Looks great Tammy, keep it up!
Toggle Commented Feb 6, 2011 on No title at AVATAR
Bernardcz added a favorite at AVATAR
Feb 6, 2011
Bernardcz shared a video on YouTube at AVATAR
Feb 6, 2011
u 2
Toggle Commented Jan 15, 2011 on No title at AVATAR
PS The video below, Always Look on the Bright Side of Life is not intended to offend people but to cheer them up! Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2011 at AVATAR
Bernardcz shared a video on YouTube at AVATAR
Jan 14, 2011
What!? I think you've got the wrong end of the stick mate! I did not intend to impose any religion on anyone! Personally, I do not care what you believe in, whether you're Catholic, atheist et cetera. For me religion is a personal matter and I do not want anyone to be forcedly change their religion. Although one thing, do not generalize all Christians in the same category as you'd find extremists in all religions and there is hardly any religion which in the past has not done any harm to others.
Toggle Commented Jan 15, 2011 on No title at AVATAR
I don't want to sound harsh but if a person finds it offensive, he/she can only do one thing... just don't watch it.
Toggle Commented Jan 15, 2011 on No title at AVATAR
It is not exactly offensive, alright it is a bit disturbing seeing people singing while being crucified. I posted this video not to offend but to cheer up people with the song. I can't help it if the makers of Life of Brian chose this scenario for their ending. Also, it can't be blasphemous as it is not a parody of Christ as many suggest.
Toggle Commented Jan 15, 2011 on No title at AVATAR
@Tammy I'm allright although I can't sleep. I feel asleep whilst studying and woke up at 8pm. Now i can't sleep!
Bernardcz shared a video on YouTube at AVATAR
Jan 14, 2011
@AVATAR 4 LYFE Sorry mate but everyone has different opinions. Instead of shouting 'TRAITOR' like some Medieval idiot, respect the opinion of others.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I HOPE YOU'LL HAVE A GOOD 2011!! Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2010 at AVATAR
I'm off to bed. Goodnight all! Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2010 at AVATAR
Bernardcz added a photo at AVATAR
Safety at work!
Dec 30, 2010
Bernardcz added a photo at AVATAR
Caption: Holy Communi(cati)on.
Dec 30, 2010
Bernardcz added a photo at AVATAR
Caption: Something's wrong.
Dec 30, 2010
Bernardcz added a photo at AVATAR
I know you have to keep your animals at home, but this is a bit too much.
Dec 30, 2010
Bernardcz added a photo at AVATAR
Caption: Fashion shoot? Looking COOL, baby!
Dec 30, 2010
Bernardcz added a photo at AVATAR
WTF Moment 2!
Dec 30, 2010