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Bernie Moran
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This is another little story in my effort to bridge the familiarity gap between the generations. Kind of telling tales to this Gen21 era about what it was really like Then; long before we had all that we have now. When in college in the 1950s one semester I took a 3 hour seminar course I needed for my degree given only on Saturdays. The class was filled with a variety of students. One in particular I gravitated to was a man I’ll call Bill. Bill was a World War 11 veteran who spent eight years pursuing his bachelors degree... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2010 at Bernie Moran's blog
Notes on the Baby Boomers
In the 1960s, while at lunch, swapping stories about being the parents of ‘baby boomers’ was common (and, I believe, to some it was therapy.) Here’s a typical one; A middle- aged manager on a business trip stayed in Boston an extra day after his business meeting to catch his son’s freshman football team play a local college. Very excited that his son was switched to offensive guard by his coach; a position the dad played as a youth. His son even wore the same number, 53, his dad wore; every proud indeed! The dad arrived at the opposing school’s... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2010 at Bernie Moran's blog
Good luck on your journey. I know that self examination can often be simultaneously rewarding, exciting and also frightening. But, as Socrates said, "The unexamined life is not worth living." I wish you hope and happiness in your future and thank you for sharing your progress with us.
Fear Alone?
As this is my first blog I'll give you a little info. I have been living my entire life with this huge fear of being alone. I don't just mean in relationships, but it effects this. It's not exactly that I fear being by myself. Just that I fear the idea of being alone. I've lived my life wit...
Bernie's Blog; About Then and Now
In this posting I want to address ‘Why’ Bernie’s Blog; about then and now’?’ Why isn’t a 77 year old guy sitting back on his butt and vegetating in old age, gaping at pretty young ladies and keeping his mouth shut? The answer is primarily because I’m stubborn. And because I love communicating, particularly with the generation I call the Gen21 and believe my written and spoken words are worthwhile. So, stick with me! OK! If you have read the bio on my website, , you know something of my background. That I’m an old guy who had a... Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2010 at Bernie Moran's blog
We Didn't Know We Were Poor
We find ourselves in these early years of the 21st century comparing our current difficult times to the 1930s. "We are in the toughest economic times since the Great Depression," is the often heard expression. Being a very impressionable little child in the 'Thirties' I have vivid memories of how it was to live and grow up then. I particularily recall the teenagers then. When they were nice enought to let me hang around I would hang on to every expression, every idea and every joke. And forever feeling I could never, as hard as I tried, measure up to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2010 at Bernie Moran's blog
Some Kind of Basketball Player
I am always being on the alert for anything involving the generation called the ‘Greatest Generation.’ I’m 77! No spring chicken. But I am still making some moderate efforts to keep the body functioning. I swim. Been doing it 4 times a week almost every week since ’82. As I enter the facility where I swim, I walk past the basketball court to get to the locker room. And many times over the past few years there are a bunch of guys playing a full court game .(We used to call them ‘pick-up games.) Being a one- time jock I... Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2010 at Bernie Moran's blog
Teens: Then and Now
A few of my thoughts about the teenagers of the 1930s and this 21st century teenage generation of today. Those who were teenagers in the1930s into the early 1940s were given the name ‘Greatest Generation’ in recent years by Tom Brokow of NBC. (They never called themselves that because they never thought themselves anything close to great, in spite of what they went through and, most importantly, Achieved.) To those of you born in the late 1980s into the 1990s, I am going to call you GEN21. I knew one group as a child and know the other as a... Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2010 at Bernie Moran's blog
Bernie Moran's World: Then and Now
An introduction to my Blog. Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2010 at Bernie Moran's blog
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Jan 7, 2010
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