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Beth Webb
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
I am a follower of Jesus FIRST, saved by grace, a wife, a mom, a friend to lots of amazing people, a sister, a daughter, an AUBURN TIGER.
Recent Activity
The winner of the copy of For the Love is Candi Dorman! Thanks everyone for sharing my blog post and participating in the conversation. If you would like a copy of For the Love, pick up one at Amazon or Barnes & Noble! Local friends, you can buy one from me for $12!
Candi, this book is so practical in that regard. She gives us some great ideas and insight into creating for ourself!! Enjoy reading:)
Amy Marten posted, "Love your blog!! Here are my thoughts on community...We attend an adult bible fellowship with about 80 people our age. We continue to talk about community and how genuine community is built. The reality is the group is much too big. For us, hosting a small group (4 couples) has been a way we can connect and be real on a smaller scale. But it has taken over a year to build up trust, and I believe it has and will take even more intentional time for some people. Unfortunately, our "busy" lives prevent us from taking the needed time to establish this trust. Of course, busy is a choice too. We don't want to expose our issues. I wish we could all jump in, having faith that the freedom we can experience is totally worth it! I can't wait to get the book to learn more."
I totally understand how desperately we need community at every stage, but come on, the little kid stage...we just might lose our minds without some adult conversation and people who love us no matter how we parent! I am glad you have found that through MOPS.
Thanks, Mel! I am so glad God created us for real & genuine relationships and community!
Thanks for sharing, Riely! I know God will continue to provide as you seek Him! You can be the catalyst...
You are right in that church culture has a lot to do with it. We do not have a sunday school hour--we have small groups during the week for adults & students. So, our hour of "worship" is songs, sometimes communion, and a time of teaching--I cannot imagine being able to learn during that time of teaching with my four little ones sitting next to me!! Our Sunday morning worship time is designed with teenagers & adults in mind while our children have worship, Bible Story, and then small groups in their own environments!
You are right, Crystal! Thanks for being a great friend!!
Amanda, definitely worth the sacrifice in other budget categories--and the earlier you start that the better! Love you friend.
Thanks, Courtney! Some days my thankful list is a little more REAL & focused:)
Karen, thanks for challenging me even more to think about the little things I can do each day to live with intention & purpose--I know it's a journey, especially for an introvert like me, but God is teaching me!!! Love you girl:)
Yes, we need to start working on something for the summer so we can get together:) You know the area better than me, so let me know what you think of!!
Thanks, Amanda! I so wish we were close enough to do life together a bit, but I am thankful for the time we had together:) Love you.
Thanks for encouraging me on this journey, Sharon!
Lisa, we definitely go through different types of messiness in different seasons of's nice to see moms who have done a bit better than survive! So, thanks for sharing.
Thanks for continuing to encourage me to be thankful, Jennifer! I learn so much through reading your blog--feel connected to you & your world even though we are far apart now.
Beth Webb is now following A Facebook User
Apr 12, 2012
Beth Webb is now following Maggie Hall
Apr 6, 2012
Beth Webb is now following Holly Furtick
Apr 6, 2012
Lunch would be great, Mel! By the way, I love your Twitter pic--it's like you are looking right at me talking when you comment or tweet!!!
Beth Webb is now following Melodyedr
Apr 5, 2012
Beth Webb is now following Melodye Reeves
Apr 5, 2012
Thanks, friend! I still consider that particular group a definite marker in my spiritual journey--the relationships, what God taught me, and how it has encouraged me since. 2 Chronicles 16:9--remember it?!?!?
Well, I totally agree...with finding those "who are heroes before our eyes" and that Andy & Laura have so many opportunities to influence the lives of glad you're girls are getting time with them there.
Beth Webb is now following Rachel Pereira
Jan 19, 2011