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Brad Feld
Recent Activity
What Todd said. Totally agree. There's going to be a lot of "I told you so" when Summit County has that massive fire.
Colorado, we have to care more about Pine Beetle
It's my last morning at Beaver Creek. The last couple years we have come up for a long weekend of hiking and great-outdoor-enjoying and each year it's been awesome. I took several long hikes up the maintained trails at the ski area that pass through the amazing forest area. The bulk of the for...
If you want a Gist invite, drop me an email - [email protected] - and I'll get you set up.
E-Mail as an Owner of the Social Graph
While we are on the topic, I realized (reading Brad's new post) that I have been neglectin to mention a very significant current owner of the social graph: e-mail. I fully agree with Brad. Along with a large swath of the social graph, e-mail also packs a ton of context with it. Years ago, whi...
Who stole my friend Andy and replaced him with a cool looking dude?
Andy in college, a photo from 1986
Totally psyched for you guys and excited to see you blogging the process!
Why so late to the game?
Generally I've shied away from the idea of blogging since most people find stories about parenting and grocery shopping dull even in the spoken form. Seth and I recently began the process for our second adoption (child #3), which is simultaneously exciting and nerve-wracking. Last time, Seth and...
I have always found the word fuck to be one of the most versatile in the English language. See
Is It Ever Appropriate to Drop an F-Bomb in a Meeting?
Tim Taylor posts that he recently mentioned to an executive he was working with that the exec was swearing like a sailor. I have never confronted a colleague in the business world over their language. If people choose to "swear" (who defined what a swear word is?!) then that's their choice. I my...
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