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Americans have themselves to blame for rejecting Tom Tancredo, R-CO.
"Diversity Visas" and "Religious Visas": Importing Jihad
Changes. President hopeychange wasted no time in opening up the visa regulations, beginning with "religious visas." Before, whoever wanted to enter as a supposed missionary needed to demonstrate his/her affiliation with a religious institution for at least two years. Now they changed it to almos...
Masoomi said the marriage has been hidden since the family moved to Canada two years ago.
So, the family lied to the federal government.
DEPORT the family for lying to the government.
Canada Honor Killing: Three Arrested in the Murder of Four Muslim Girls who were Found Dead in a Submerged Car Last Month
Once again the media never dare speak its name; Islam. Police allege that the parents and their son all operated the car which was dumped in the canal, and that the father lied when he told police the deaths occurred by accident during a family vacation. UPDATE: As expected : Family members cha...
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