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Sharon Bially
Recent Activity
What a beautiful post! Isn't it amazing how uplifting it is to share our gifts with others? What a great gift to have, too: song.
Looking forward to following your blog!
And PS - I hope you don't mind, but I clicked on the Lit Wits link, intrigued by the name, then "liked" it on FB. Is that your book club? If so, what a great way to stay connected between gatherings.
Do You Believe?
I've become a bag lady. A certifiable, card-carrying, over the shoulder burdened broad. It is the ultimate accessory of a student teacher/Mom/wanna be rock star. Yes, rock star. I've toted a hot-air popcorn popper, 24 individually wrapped string cheese sticks, snowpants and a homemade Valent...
Sharon Bially is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 21, 2011
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