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This sh!t has caused me to emerge from my E-Slumber on SOHH after all thse years. I have to say that I find it impossibly odd that any man on his deathbed would give the world as his last words, speech, thoughts, and lessons to dedicate more than 50% of it to give adoration and rule to one man over his family. I'm not even gonna get into any forms of dissing Primo cause that's Blasphemy on a whole other level. I just can't believe that any human on this planet would stoop so low....Whatever comes to him, comes to him. French Toast is his new name.....
Solar Addresses Guru's Deathbed Letter, "[He] Made This Statement From His Own Mouth"
Producer Solar has come forward to address speculation that late rapper and close associate Guru did not write a final letter to fans on his deathbed.
We don't believe you....
Solar Addresses Guru's Deathbed Letter, "[He] Made This Statement From His Own Mouth"
Producer Solar has come forward to address speculation that late rapper and close associate Guru did not write a final letter to fans on his deathbed.
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Apr 20, 2010
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Apr 20, 2010
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