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Tipper, don't have any make-do recipes but I know Mom had lots of them. I do remember she used to put potatoes in with ground beef to make it go farther. We didn't know we were poor because we always had food a plenty, we grew most everything we ate, we always had our own hogs, Dad always managed to have a hog for every member of the family plus he always had a frost pig, because by that time of the year he was always getting hungry for some fresh pork. When we would kill our 7 hogs we we would have over 200 pounds of sausage which he dearly loved.
Make Do Recipes
In 2009 I wrote a series of posts about the economic downturn and the effect it was having on folks in my area-and beyond. If you missed them you can go back and read them: Economic Downturn Causes Resurgence In Old Time Ways Entertainment During The Economic Downturn Unemployment Rate In ...
Tipper ,loved the video and the song, really enjoy your music, just wish I could hear Pap and Pauls voices better the music kind of drowns them out, my hearing is not real good and it's hard to pull the voices out, this happens anytime there is louder background noise,I still enjoy what part of it I do hear though. Heep up the good work, a;so love all your other stuff .
Don't Laugh
It's been months since I had a Pickin & Grinnin In The Kitchen Spot. The spots got put on the back burner as over the course of last summer-leading into the fall we were enjoying the musical posts from the Spotlight On Music In Appalachia. For today's Pickin & Grinnin In The Kitchen Spot-I ha...
Bill is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 19, 2011
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