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Maureen, I always appreciate your comments...they are so thoughtful and insightful. Yes, preparation and "showing up" -- key ingredients in the process of looking for a new opportunity. Thanks so much for your thoughts.
The Voice and Your Job Interview
Once again, I am watching The Voice. I absolutely love this program. If you are a job seeker, I would encourage you to tune in – I don’t know exactly what you will learn, but I learn something each and every week from Adam, Blake, CeeLo, Christina and the contestants. If are a job seeker and th...
Scott -- so appreciative of your comment! So many times, clients give me "ideas" for blog posts and this was another one. Thanks for your feedback!
Gear Shifts and Gratitude
Whether I am delivering career management services face-to-face or via the telephone, I almost always find something fascinating about clients and how they think. A recent phone coaching session got underway with a client’s matter-of-fact proclamation of these three things: You need to know t...
Thanks so much, Qubehrm! I had fun writing that post -- glad you enjoyed it!
Gettin' Hitched and Your Job Search
It won’t be long now, and my son and his fiancé will be exchanging their vows. Date set. Plans made. Reservations scheduled. Wedding paraphernalia purchased. Details checked, checked and rechecked. Hours and hours invested in the getting married project. While I have enjoyed the entire process ...
Yes, I am very happy and excited about this upcoming milestone! Thank you for your feedback...I really appreciate it.
Billie Sucher
Raspberry Bubblegum and Your Job Search
Remember when I wrote a blog post last year about looking for a dress for our son’s wedding? A couple of week’s ago, our first-born daughter (certainly more of a fashionista than I) took me on another shopping adventure to find the perfect dress. Since last year, I have looked in multiple stat...
Lori, loved reading your success stories. Thanks so much for sharing
and continued success as an image consultant. Will check out the links
you mentioned. All the best!
Billie Sucher
Raspberry Bubblegum and Your Job Search
Remember when I wrote a blog post last year about looking for a dress for our son’s wedding? A couple of week’s ago, our first-born daughter (certainly more of a fashionista than I) took me on another shopping adventure to find the perfect dress. Since last year, I have looked in multiple stat...
Your perspective is so appreciated Skillstoachieve! I am a raving fan of "do what works" especially as it relates to resume writing. Thanks for taking time to post a comment.
Best always, Billie Sucher
Does Your Résumé Suck? 22 Things to Consider
A recent conversation with a business executive started with “Basically, I am here today because a recruiter told me my résumé sucks and they don’t want to work with me until I get it in better shape. I am hoping you can help me.” His words reminded me of a blog post I had written a while ago t...
Hi Francis -- thanks for reading Career Hub! All the best ~ Billie Sucher
Does Your Résumé Suck? 22 Things to Consider
A recent conversation with a business executive started with “Basically, I am here today because a recruiter told me my résumé sucks and they don’t want to work with me until I get it in better shape. I am hoping you can help me.” His words reminded me of a blog post I had written a while ago t...
Hi Susan!
So appreciate your feedback on the post. Excellent points you mention for job seekers re: the big theme elements. Thanks so much!
What The Voice Can Teach You About Job Interviewing
Are you watching The Voice? I love this show – not only do I enjoy watching the contestants, I really like the constructive feedback from Adam, Blake, Cee Lo and Christina. If by chance you are interviewing for a job, perhaps you will consider clearing your calendar on a few Monday evenings to ...
Appreciate your thoughts, HelpingYouHire. Thanks for your comments!
Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming
This is not a test. For each of the movie lines below, can you name the movie associated with each quote? Who knows, maybe one day in a job interview you will be asked to cite your favorite movie line of all time. (Answers at end of post.) A. “Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were b...
Thank you, Tejas_ruthie! Glad you liked the article!
Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming
This is not a test. For each of the movie lines below, can you name the movie associated with each quote? Who knows, maybe one day in a job interview you will be asked to cite your favorite movie line of all time. (Answers at end of post.) A. “Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were b...
Arjen, thank you for your comment and adding a good tip about adjusting the job search strategy, plus the reminder about "patience." So appreciate your remarks!
Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming
This is not a test. For each of the movie lines below, can you name the movie associated with each quote? Who knows, maybe one day in a job interview you will be asked to cite your favorite movie line of all time. (Answers at end of post.) A. “Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were b...
Well said "we are not just what we do." Thanks so much for your comment, plus feedback on the blog. There are several ebooks (free) here on this site you may also find of interest. Wishing you all the best in your career transition.
Letting Go
I can’t decide if I would rather be referred to as the MOG (mother of groom) or GM (groom’s mom). I think I am more of a GM than a MOG. Either way, in five months, our son is gettin’ hitched. Some people know this tidbit and have offered their wisdom: “Oh, it’s soooooooo hard to let go” or “Let...
Raj Singh, thank you -- your comment is appreciated. I had fun writing that post...I especially like #4. Best to you in 2012.
Charisma? Attractive Personality?
Watching one of my favorite television programs, CBS Sunday Morning, I was particularly interested in the piece about “Charisma.” The story reminded me of some teachings in a Napoleon Hill book I recently read again. Lesson Ten from the The Law of Success, copyright 1928, is titled “Pleasing Pe...
You are most welcome, Chandra. Appreciate your comment.
Life After Getting the Boot
I remember when I lost my job. While at the time I was shocked and devastated and overwhelmed and confused and _______________ (fill-in-the-blank), I was also immensely relieved. Immensely! I could breathe again! I was relieved because I did not have to go to that place anymore. I did not have ...
As always, appreciate your remarks, Koleen and the extra information for job seekers. Thank you.
So How’s That Résumé Working for You?
Looking for a job with a résumé that isn’t working to your advantage? How about applying the genius of Steve Jobs’ brilliant thinking to it? Simplify, modify and beautify the design. Ask yourself these three simple questions: Does my résumé contain relevant content to provide evidence that I a...
Thanks I've talked with job seekers who do both -- take a job just to have one and continue to look; while others will hold out for what is a good match with their skillset. Still others tire of looking and start their own business or invest in one if financial resources permit doing so. And yet others volunteer their time at places they would like/love to work; others take classes to enrich their knowledge in areas of interest. All kinds of choices when it comes to finding work that you love. Appreciate your thoughts.
Love Is All You Need
Steve Jobs talked about it. The Beatles and Led Zeppelin sang about it. Kahlil Gibran and Robert Plant wrote about it. So what is that one common connector among these legends? It’s a four-letter word that starts with ‘L’, ends in ‘E’ and rhymes with dove. You guessed it: LOVE! L-O-V-E. Love yo...
Yes, that's so true -- even a minute is a very long time in this market... appreciate the comment, John. Thank you.
Get This Party Started!
The other day, I was helping a client via phone with a review of her career management materials. As the conversation got underway, I offered: Are you ready to get this party started? Absolutely, ready to go! Before we jump in with the review and all, I’d invite you to consider these three vari...
Thanks so much, Careerology Nz...yes, whatever it takes to help a client keep moving forward; I always try to think of creative ways to deliver the message -- analogies and all! :)
Get This Party Started!
The other day, I was helping a client via phone with a review of her career management materials. As the conversation got underway, I offered: Are you ready to get this party started? Absolutely, ready to go! Before we jump in with the review and all, I’d invite you to consider these three vari...
Excellent feedback for job seekers -- thanks for sharing with readers more of your good tips!
Job Interviews and The Rest of the Story
Remember Paul Harvey, an American radio broadcaster and his famous The Rest of the Story? If you are looking for a job, do you freely offer your listeners ‘the rest of the story’ or do you make your listening audience drag information out of you syllable by syllable, word by word, line by line? ...
George Van Hoorebeke -- here's the link (above) to Isley Brothers performing the song. Thanks for taking time to make comment! Best, Billie
Love the One You're With
Here’s a trivia question for you -- who made the following song famous: “If You Can’t Be With the One You Love, Love the One You’re With” _____The Rolling Stones _____Maroon 5 _____Crosby Stills Nash & Young _____Credence Clearwater Revival _____Gnarls Barkley If you know the lyrics to ...
@jpatrickjobs ~ so glad you enjoyed the post; thanks for reposting, too!
Madhu Raju -- so appreciate your comments; thank you!
Koleen, thank you for your feedback and link to another resource to help #jobseekers.
Best to all! Billie
How to Write a Cover Letter
If you like books, mark your calendar to go to The Newberry Library Book Fair in Chicago next year. It was spectacular! Last Saturday, I spent a fair amount of time browsing through books, books and more books and found myself dwelling in the poetry, psychology and law sections. In an old box,...
Madhu Raju, such good advice you share! Thank you!
First Impressions And Your Job Hunt
I stared at the wedding reception invitation wondering what on earth I would find to wear to the event which is going to be held at a lovely country club. My clothes fall into two basic categories: work clothes or go-to-the-garden clothes. I don’t really have fancy dresses or ‘cute’ as my fri...
Thanks Adie! Since I wrote that post, I have been more aware of the re's -- they seem to be everywhere! :)
It's About the "Re's" in My Life
Everything in my life Starts with a re— What exactly is going on? And what is happening to me? The re’s of the world Are here, there and everywhere From rebound to revamp to Restructure and repair. Reboot, reset, reorganize Reevaluate this and that Reconsider the strategy And reduce the ...
Appreciate your thoughts, Kate! Really like your words: "many opportunites to further build by experience in unpaid work, which is what i did, eventually being recommended by my "employer" for a job which was about to be advertised."
Thanks for posting! Best to you always,
Can I Have an Ice Cream Cone?
Mommy, can I have an ice cream cone? Mommy, I want a cone now! Mommy, can I have an ice cream cone? Mommy, please please please can I? Mommy said not now, son. But Mommy I want an ice cream cone. Maybe later. Mommy, can I please please please have an ice cream cone? You know what I said – not ...
Reinkefaceslife -- thanks!....and/or how about "Retweet?" :)
It's About the "Re's" in My Life
Everything in my life Starts with a re— What exactly is going on? And what is happening to me? The re’s of the world Are here, there and everywhere From rebound to revamp to Restructure and repair. Reboot, reset, reorganize Reevaluate this and that Reconsider the strategy And reduce the ...
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