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Thanks for your very kind words. As this version of is now purely archival - let me point you at the new home of - and this post.
I Miss the iMonk
Blogdom is simply not as interesting, challenging or as much fun without Michael Spencer's voice. And I really miss our email conversations. Sigh.
Leaving TypePad
This blog has existed on TypePad since its inception. However, as of tonight (overnight in the Western Hemisphere) it will be migrating to a WordPress install hosted elsewhere. There may be some disruption - but the good folks who are... Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2011 at
And this would be why I miss you blogging on a regular basis.
James MacDonald and I in Blog Conversation, sort of...
James MacDonald responded in the comment section to the 2nd of my two posts on his hyperbolic Congregational Government is from Satan post. I trust he won't mind me copying it here and responding to it below: You seem like a pretty funny guy and I like that. You also seem pretty comfortable with...
If you did ask them to take a walk, would it be a "Walk in the Word" through their neighbourhoods? Following Jesus, who, as Eugene Peterson translated the John 1 passage says Jesus "took on flesh and blood, and moved into the neighbourhood." A Missio Dei, missional, mission-shaped thing, as it were.
Sorry I can't respond with more right now - I have two documentaries on inner-city Toronto missions to get finished. And a project for a high-tech company to get started. (No rest for the wicked, apparently.)
James MacDonald and I in Blog Conversation, sort of...
James MacDonald responded in the comment section to the 2nd of my two posts on his hyperbolic Congregational Government is from Satan post. I trust he won't mind me copying it here and responding to it below: You seem like a pretty funny guy and I like that. You also seem pretty comfortable with...
When it comes to being a celebrity blogger, I'm an abject failure. :-)
James MacDonald and I in Blog Conversation, sort of...
James MacDonald responded in the comment section to the 2nd of my two posts on his hyperbolic Congregational Government is from Satan post. I trust he won't mind me copying it here and responding to it below: You seem like a pretty funny guy and I like that. You also seem pretty comfortable with...
...and this from the one who showed me how to blog. :-)
James MacDonald and I in Blog Conversation, sort of...
James MacDonald responded in the comment section to the 2nd of my two posts on his hyperbolic Congregational Government is from Satan post. I trust he won't mind me copying it here and responding to it below: You seem like a pretty funny guy and I like that. You also seem pretty comfortable with...
James MacDonald and I in Blog Conversation, sort of...
James MacDonald responded in the comment section to the 2nd of my two posts on his hyperbolic Congregational Government is from Satan post. I trust he won't mind me copying it here and responding to it below: You seem like... Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2011 at
I don't really disagree with you - which is why I added my preferred governance (in a perfectly discipled world - which I know is a fairy tale) would be episcopal. And you know where I stand on your last thoughts. :-)
The Devil's Advocate
I question. It’s one of those things that many people wish I just wouldn’t do. “Bill, just leave well enough alone.” “Don’t stir the pot.” “What gives you the right to ask questions?” — they question. Yesterday, in my definitely imitable style, I questioned James MacDonald and his “Congregatio...
When I say that I am most comfortable with episcopal church governance - that is only in the sadly fairy tale world where we've been properly discipled - from the bishop/elder through the newest believer (who is in process along with the rest of us). Which is why I would echo:
leadership which focuses on enabling and empowering others, not just for task, but also for ownership, is more in line with a church where the priesthood sets collectively with the entirety of all believers
The Devil's Advocate
I question. It’s one of those things that many people wish I just wouldn’t do. “Bill, just leave well enough alone.” “Don’t stir the pot.” “What gives you the right to ask questions?” — they question. Yesterday, in my definitely imitable style, I questioned James MacDonald and his “Congregatio...
For what it's worth, I don't think Challies found my responses helpful. (Big chuckle).
The Devil's Advocate
I question. It’s one of those things that many people wish I just wouldn’t do. “Bill, just leave well enough alone.” “Don’t stir the pot.” “What gives you the right to ask questions?” — they question. Yesterday, in my definitely imitable style, I questioned James MacDonald and his “Congregatio...
Please Allow Me to Introduce....
We have a friend who we often refer to as the Forrest Gump of Christianity. Not because he's slow, he isn't remotely. But because he knows the strangest and widest assortment of people on the planet. When we first met... Continue reading
Posted Jun 13, 2011 at
In my best Joe Pesci voice, "you talkin' to me." :-)
The Devil's Advocate
I question. It’s one of those things that many people wish I just wouldn’t do. “Bill, just leave well enough alone.” “Don’t stir the pot.” “What gives you the right to ask questions?” — they question. Yesterday, in my definitely imitable style, I questioned James MacDonald and his “Congregatio...
Thanks, Brad. An important story for this conversation.
The Devil's Advocate
I question. It’s one of those things that many people wish I just wouldn’t do. “Bill, just leave well enough alone.” “Don’t stir the pot.” “What gives you the right to ask questions?” — they question. Yesterday, in my definitely imitable style, I questioned James MacDonald and his “Congregatio...
Imbi just read what you wrote, Ken. Her response, "Ken's great!" I concur.
The Devil's Advocate
I question. It’s one of those things that many people wish I just wouldn’t do. “Bill, just leave well enough alone.” “Don’t stir the pot.” “What gives you the right to ask questions?” — they question. Yesterday, in my definitely imitable style, I questioned James MacDonald and his “Congregatio...
As always, WTH, you add much to the conversation. My upcoming posts on the Celebrity-Driven Church will refer/link to a number of your recent posts.
James MacDonald, Satan, Flip Wilson & Me
Let me just say, right up front, I’m pretty sure the Devil made me write this post. (In fact, he almost made me wright “right” for “write” just to discredit me further. So. All spelling and sintax errors are the devil’s fault.) William Blake once beautifully asked, And did the Countenance Divine...
The Devil's Advocate
I question. It’s one of those things that many people wish I just wouldn’t do. “Bill, just leave well enough alone.” “Don’t stir the pot.” “What gives you the right to ask questions?” — they question. Yesterday, in my definitely... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2011 at
Hmmm. Intriguing. Do tell.
James MacDonald, Satan, Flip Wilson & Me
Let me just say, right up front, I’m pretty sure the Devil made me write this post. (In fact, he almost made me wright “right” for “write” just to discredit me further. So. All spelling and sintax errors are the devil’s fault.) William Blake once beautifully asked, And did the Countenance Divine...
Thanks, Brian.
James MacDonald, Satan, Flip Wilson & Me
Let me just say, right up front, I’m pretty sure the Devil made me write this post. (In fact, he almost made me wright “right” for “write” just to discredit me further. So. All spelling and sintax errors are the devil’s fault.) William Blake once beautifully asked, And did the Countenance Divine...
James MacDonald, Satan, Flip Wilson & Me
Let me just say, right up front, I’m pretty sure the Devil made me write this post. (In fact, he almost made me wright “right” for “write” just to discredit me further. So. All spelling and sintax errors are the... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2011 at
I'm a twit who occasionally tweets. :-) And even more rarely blogs...err... posts to my blog, that is.
Let Me Clear This Up - You Write Blog Posts or Posts!
As I once again step up to the blog microphone and begin to infest the interwebs with my fevered ideas let me first clear something up. They are called BLOG POSTS. If you want to shorten the phrase - then they are POSTS. Your BLOG is the site where you publish your POSTS. If you've written a n...
A curmudgeon I will be, will be, will be!
Let Me Clear This Up - You Write Blog Posts or Posts!
As I once again step up to the blog microphone and begin to infest the interwebs with my fevered ideas let me first clear something up. They are called BLOG POSTS. If you want to shorten the phrase - then they are POSTS. Your BLOG is the site where you publish your POSTS. If you've written a n...
I think that would be "lost cause", eh! (I know. My kids want to sing about me, to the tune of the Pink Panther, "Pedant, pedant, pedant, pedant, pedant...")
I confess I use emoticons, but I also always write "great" rather than "gr8", "you" rather than "u", etc. Part of it is to help overcome mild-Dyslexia. I find I struggle with writing that is not clear and "correct". when people don't use proper punctuation and capitalization it makes it very hard for me to be able to chunk whats being written
Let Me Clear This Up - You Write Blog Posts or Posts!
As I once again step up to the blog microphone and begin to infest the interwebs with my fevered ideas let me first clear something up. They are called BLOG POSTS. If you want to shorten the phrase - then they are POSTS. Your BLOG is the site where you publish your POSTS. If you've written a n...
You are always able to take my posts to a whole new level. Whether in humour or in seriousness! You are a valued friend and wingman.
Let Me Clear This Up - You Write Blog Posts or Posts!
As I once again step up to the blog microphone and begin to infest the interwebs with my fevered ideas let me first clear something up. They are called BLOG POSTS. If you want to shorten the phrase - then they are POSTS. Your BLOG is the site where you publish your POSTS. If you've written a n...
I'm such a non-American, I had to Google Jack Handey. Definitely someone I could aspire to emulate. :-)
Let Me Clear This Up - You Write Blog Posts or Posts!
As I once again step up to the blog microphone and begin to infest the interwebs with my fevered ideas let me first clear something up. They are called BLOG POSTS. If you want to shorten the phrase - then they are POSTS. Your BLOG is the site where you publish your POSTS. If you've written a n...
Thanks for the book recommendation. I've just bought the Kindle version and have read the first few pages. Once I've done the yard work around here today (now that the rain has stopped), I'll dig in.
I'm in the process of writing a series called the Celebrity-Driven Church and this book will be helpful.
Thanks again.
Why Do We Allow Toxic Leaders?
In my previous post on this humble corner of the interwebs’ blogiversary, I told a little of my story of experiencing the left foot of fellowship from a megachurch leadership team. That experience has informed some of the discussion on church leadership at Earlier today, Brad Boydst...
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