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Hey, thanks for including Eve of a Hundred Midnights among your "temptations," even if you don't end up getting it from the library. I'd like to think it will keep your attention, but I know how important it is to avoid getting hung up on books that don't work for you when there are so many books to read. I hope Eve is one of the keepers for you or one of your readers. For what it's worth, I became completely captivated by the story it tells as I got to know its subjects ever more deeply as I researched and wrote the book. Naturally, that's what any writer might say, particularly one who is related to one of the subjects, but I really was so immersed in this subject for so many years that I want to share what I found with others.
If you or any of your readers want to know more, please feel free to get in touch through my web page at or on Twitter. There are quite a few photos I've shared in those places and on Instagram, but there is so much more worth seeing.
Enjoy the story, and thanks again for sharing the book with others.
-Bill Lascher
I've Missed You So: Library Loot
Gosh, it's been literally ages since I have shared a pile of library finds here. I have been trying hard to concentrate on reading from my own shelves and so have been very selective on which books I borrow from the library to the point of hardly borrowing at all. I can resist no longer as y...
Billlascher is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 20, 2016
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