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Virtual Geek,
You are drinking too much of the liberal Kool-Aid. Justin Trudeau was a substitute drama teacher before riding his daddy's coat tails. I will not be recommending and more Emc/Dell/VMware solutions ad I will make sure to let all my customers know Dell is spreading hatred about the president of the United States.
Thanks for making your bigotry known.
My take on the HPE and Simplivity news, tucked into Inauguration Day.
Enough people pinged me on this – and I’ve seen so much baloney analysis – I guess I might as well say it publicly, openly, and for posterity sake. I also wanted to let a little time go by so people could let things sink in, and they could reflect. I put out a tweet with my $0.03 cents, but whi...
Billyjonespoops is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 21, 2017
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