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Bingley Austen
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And here is that moment on YouTube:
lucius aelius sejanus, praetorian guard prefect (20 b.c. – october 18, 31 c.e.)
Important historical type with the name of Sejanus removed in damnatio memoriae. I have bee n browsing through two Tiberius biographies, Tiberius by Robin Seager and Tiberius the Politician by Barbara Levick, to see how realistically Sejanus has been portrayed in the novel Tiberius: The Memoir...
The review I wrote a couple of days ago:
I'm not at all sure who this book is aimed at. It feels the need to gloss words like 'eques' and 'gens', when they first appear but also seems to pre-suppose a quite detailed knowledge of the historical background and events in the life of Tiberius, which form the basis for very dense prosopographical discussion and exploration of such themes as the development of the legal concept of maiestas. Several times I found myself floundering over casual references to persons and events who are only discussed a couple of chapters later. The more the reader already knows about the period, the more they will get out of this book, I am sure.
on reading barbara levick's 'tiberius the politician'
I've started reading Barbara Levick's Tiberius the Politician (1976, revised edition 1999). First thing I came across was the supplemental bibliography of 1999, and what does she list? Massie's Tiberius novel! I do like the prosopographical excursion into the fates and political/military appoin...
Levick was the same. I had to refer to the stemma/family tree quite often to be sure who she was talking about.
tacitus on germanicus
I find it rather irritating that Tacitus, in his Annals, often refers to Germanicus as "Caesar," and with not much consistency. Update And Tiberius as well, as I see now: 63. Maroboduus, now utterly deserted, had no resource but in the mercy of Caesar. Having crossed the Danube where it flows by...
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