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Bitchin' Amy
Salisbury, UK
Rockin' the UK while on hiatus from Midwestern life in the States.
Interests: music, movies, writing, computers, gossip, gourmet cooking, sanity, adult-add
Recent Activity
So happy you are okay and home and going to come out the other side even better than before. Take care and be well!
Toggle Commented Sep 21, 2013 on Ack-ack-ack-ack at Laid-Off Dad
Stephanie: But did he use up at least a few of his goodwill credits with you? Everyone else: Yes, I agree that Apple is the main culprit here... Do you think they heard he was in line and then had a confab that ended with the decision-- "Let's bring him in early so we can ALL get to meet him! SQUEEEE!!!"
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Jeeeezzzzzz, there you go making all kinds of sense. Pffft, can't he embrace his movie star awesomeness just a tiny bit? For the fans??
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Yes, yes, and yes. I love her and am constantly in awe at how amazing she looks. I mean acts. Whatever. She's hawt.
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Can't wait!!
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Can't wait!!
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Why make it easy? Doesn't she need to milk this all summer long while she is filming her new reality show? I think we should start taking bets on how many times Spencer will show up at their Malibu beach house drunk and whether or not a restraining order will be filed (by either of them) by the end of July. I've got 20 bones on the restraining order.
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Jennifer: Yes, that whole segment of him driving with Skeeter and then pulling into that farm for him to do his business was gold. I hadn't thought of that before, regarding Taylor Kitsch's improv abilities. It makes his wooden turn as Gambit in the last X-Men movie make more sense, though. (I know, I know, the writers certainly didn't supply him with much material there.) And, wait or it... makes me love him even more. Somebody help me with this Riggins problem, please?
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Doctor's Wife: Yes, you have expressed your dismay of Tim's hair before and I couldn't agree more. I agree with your thoughts on Vince's mom, it was pretty convenient for her to finally be off the couch and actually sober enough to make her appearance at school. Perhaps they needed this interlude to help clarify Vince's decision to hand his gun over to Eric? It may have been a bit cooked-up, but I'm a sucker for any addict-trying-to-make-good storyline, especially if her sweet demeanor is supposed to help inform us on Vince's nature. :) Also, I figured that Luke's dad would be racist or at least leery of the oversized Tinker (sp?), but figured that maybe he is just too pragmatic to get worked up about that kind of thing when work needs to be done and an extra pair of hands shows up. Maybe it was too easy for FNL, but I could relate to the affirmation of a stranger making me feel better about my kids. I now feel like a terrible parent for relating to Luke's dad. Thanks for that. :^\ (Just kidding, sort of.) And Billy?? Oh for the love of Pete... that guy is destined for shit and I don't like what I smelled in that scene. STAY AWAY, TIM!!!!!
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Wow... I finished my first year at college, went off to work in Alaska for the summer feeling like I had the world by the tail, and then got my heart shattered into a million pieces over the summer in a doomed romance that it took me years to recover from. Fuck 1991.
Toggle Commented Jun 12, 2010 on Revisiting June 1991 at MamaPop™
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Bitchin' Amy added a photo at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Now for the REAL How To Hack A Computer In the Movies diagram.... From the people at
Jun 9, 2010
Because I thought I was posting that other picture and the post went up with Simon instead, in case you missed wth I'm talking about.
Toggle Commented Jun 9, 2010 on No title at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
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I feel like I just got Rick-Rolled! Watch out, I might Cowell you on twitter, if you're not paying attention. Wheee!
Toggle Commented Jun 9, 2010 on No title at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
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Bitchin' Amy added a photo at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
How to hack a computer in the movies. From the folks at
Jun 9, 2010
Pullemundie! I am still chuckling over that hilariously unfortunate name. I was addicted to Tetris, as well, Jen. I stopped playing when I kept seeing Tetris pieces falling down the sidebars in books while I was trying to read. p.s. Damn, Sarah Lena looks good for an 85 year old man!
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Those first comments made me feel like the cheapest parent that ever lived. I can afford to give my kids iPod Touches but I wouldn't dream of buying them something that nice (and fragile) unless they proved they could take care of it or earned it. That said: I am a selfish person who is not above buying her son a netbook for Christmas because *I* really wanted one (and b/c they were super on sale for Black Friday). So... Pffttttppp! P.S. IF I had an iPad, I would let my kids use it at restaurants, too.
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Bitchin' Amy shared a video on YouTube at MamaPop Sparkle Motion
Jun 2, 2010
Hard to believe he was 74! It seems like he was the same age there for about 20 years. Sigh. I'm sorry to see such a character pass away.
Toggle Commented May 29, 2010 on RIP, Dennis Hopper (1936-2010) at MamaPop™ Gossip
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G.G.R.: I am hoping that Spencer implodes, leaving nothing but some crystal shards and leftover Fist Pumping For Love promotional materials. Can dreams really come true?? Alyssa: My GOD, the mind reels at the possibilities if it were true! She will be the dominatrix of the ULTIMATE FAME-WHORING MASTER CLASS... wow.
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Kemi & Shannon: I've watched the video three times and have laughed just as hard each time. The first line is my favorite part, though I will need to fast forward that bit before I show it to my kids. ;-)
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DianaCLT: If his new look means that he is joining the ParrotHead nation and going on tour with Jimmy Buffett, I AM OUT.
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I have pictures of my grandmother (who would be about 102 if she was alive today) in almost an identical outfit in that last photo, the hat, too!
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Teenage boys world-wide weep in despair.
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I bet he accidentally burnt one of his braids in a bong accident. Just sayin'.
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I was actually disappointed that Gwen wasn't pregnant. Because I am mean-spirited and wish three sons on EVERYONE who has two sons and makes it looks easy. I can't help it, it's just the way I am!
Toggle Commented May 27, 2010 on Rage Against the Baby Bump Watch at MamaPop™
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