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So its not hot , rainy, or snowing it is sunny and to us it is freezing at a balmy 55 currently and in the 60's sometime around noon so thats Vegas for ya and it is windy surprise surprise!!!!!
About the mouse they hate peppermint so cotton balls with peppermint oil on them will make him rethink his new home and maybe relocate elsewhere. If you have no cotton balls what can I say .... Maybe the mister can help ya out ouch sorry mister I couldn't help myself still angry for not winning the basket...
And The Winner Is...Plus ANOTHER Give-away!
Oh my - I feel just a tad bit like Oprah! Except I don't have my own TV show/network and I'm not Black/African American and I'm not giving away cars or houses...but, like my BFF Ops, I do like to quote myself, "It would be rude not to!" and I am giving away this Thanksgiving Basket!! True...
So that is why I am so out of shape ! I don't quilt or sew but I do cook and love your recipes! And having said that could I get on the inheritance list of closely related relatives to inherit one of your quilting creations? Love your favorite cousin in sin city.
3rd Blog-a-versary Give-Away!
Three years. That's a long time. Three years of posts - some nauseatingly long, some embarrassing, in retrospect, some boring, bland and inane - and those were all the ones about the mister! But I love my blog - it's definitely made me a better cook and you would think a better quilter, but I...
Bkfairbanks is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 9, 2010
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