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Black-Eyed Suzie
I'm a writer, graduate student and doll artist living in Montreal.
Recent Activity
Hi Crystal, Thanks very much for your kind words about my dolls! Unfortunately, I'm not taking any custom orders at this time. All the best and congratulations on your marriage! Sarah
1 reply
I'm very excited to announce that I've moved my blog over to Squarespace! My new site has a homepage and a blog, as well as photo galleries (still under construction) and several other pages/ links. I'll keep this page up... Continue reading
Congratulations, Christine - you deserve it!! I didn't leave a comment on your ornament update, but they were simply gorgeous...I hope you had lovely holidays with your boys and that you got some time to relax. All the best in 2012! Sarah
1 reply
Happy New Year! Does anyone else out there feel like every year since 2000 has sounded like science fiction/ make-believe? I don't know if I'll ever get my head into this millennium...Anyway, I hope all your days of late have... Continue reading
Life has been a bit mad around here (do I start every post that way? I can't remember anymore...) Last week, I had a 10-page final translation project due and M. and I were both sick. I managed to finish,... Continue reading
Thank you so much for the kind words, Sarah - glad youre enjoying my blog! shops:, blog:
1 reply
I've finally finished sculpting the heads for my most recent batch of dolls, which means I can start to sand and paint them and then assemble the bodies. Painting is my favourite part - it's when the character really emerges.... Continue reading
Thanks Marie! Motherhood is amazing and fun and beautiful and exhausting! We should get together for a coffee sometime... shops:, blog:
1 reply
I finally feel like I'm making some progress with my latest batch of dolls, even though it's been ever so slow. But almost all the parts have been made and varnished and the assembly line i underway. Some dainty feet... Continue reading
I had hoped to have some WIP photos ready for this post, but I'm not quite time for sure. I was fresh out of ideas for post, so I stole the alphabet survey below from another blogger (thanks, Charis!)... Continue reading
what a lovely comment, Burcu - thank you so much! shops:, blog:
1 reply
While visiting a friend this summer, I happened upon the work of Andrea Kowch in an art magazine and was blown away. Similarly to what loved about Jane Eyre, I'm drawn its restrained Gothic sensibility. Her paintings are haunting and... Continue reading
I cant say for sure if Ill make more dancers - I like to like to keep trying new things rather than going back to previous themes. However, I did really enjoy making the dancers, so I might make more but using somewhat different materials. shops:, blog:
Toggle Commented Sep 18, 2011 on Jane Eyre at Black-Eyed Suzie Art Dolls and Oddities
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I think youre right, Burcu - Burton tried to modernize it and make it exciting and it just didnt work. The charm and oddness and dreamlike qualities of the book were lost... shops:, blog:
Toggle Commented Sep 17, 2011 on Jane Eyre at Black-Eyed Suzie Art Dolls and Oddities
1 reply
oooh - great idea. Thanks Karen! shops:, blog:
Toggle Commented Sep 16, 2011 on Jane Eyre at Black-Eyed Suzie Art Dolls and Oddities
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Life is very busy these days, as Mr. L and I have both started school again (our translation degrees). I'm only taking one class, but must squeeze all the reading and writing into baby M's naps or after he's asleep... Continue reading
Black-Eyed Suzie is now following Material Archive
Sep 7, 2011
We're back after a month visiting our families in Maine and Cape Breton. So wonderful to see the sea, see the trees. I long to move to Cape Breton, so as much as I love visiting, it's always bittersweet because... Continue reading
Last weekend, some friends came over for lunch and brought baby M. the most charming little stuffed cat: his name is Serge and he comes from Raplapa, a boutique in Montreal that sells lovely handmade dolls and animals. They sell... Continue reading
You can check out my FAQ (on the lefthand sidebar) for the clays I use! shops:, blog:
1 reply
Hi Burcu, I hadnt thought of a coffee table book per se (but if there are any publishers reading this, Id love to!) One thing I do plan to do is make a graphic novel some day. Im sorry about you missing Third Odile, but I have started my next batch of dolls, and they wont take as long this time, I promise! shops:, blog:
Toggle Commented Jul 21, 2011 on Alexander at Black-Eyed Suzie Art Dolls and Oddities
1 reply
I didn't post about it at the time, but I was very saddened by Alexander McQueen's suicide last year. Though I spend most of my time in jeans and Adidas, I love extravagant fashion. To me, McQueen was an artist;... Continue reading
Mail service has resumed, so I will updating my Big Cartel shop this Saturday, July 2nd at 2pm EST/ 11 PST. (You can convert this time to a different time zone by clicking here.) All the dolls (photos, descriptions and... Continue reading
Just a quick note to let you know that, while the newsletter is all ready to go and the doll listings are finished, I'm waiting to announce a date for the update until the Canada Post strike is over. It... Continue reading
I've been away from blogland for a while, but I return bearing treats...I have finally finished and photographed all of my Swan Lake dolls! Completing these five dolls felt a little like a marathon at times; gone are the days... Continue reading