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It's all good. People are afraid to acknowledge the truth 'cause then it means they have to *gasp* DO something! True some are TRULY ALSEEP and just don't know any better. But even though they know better they'd rather feign denial and keep sleep walking right to the end. No use in arguing people down. Either they will do their homework, take the steps to stay conscious and speak/defend the truth, or they won't. Gotta keep it movin! By the way, I'm a Chick/Woman/Female/Goddess take your pick Lol! I have posts on Michael Jackson, Dave Chapelle and Lauryn Hill @ http"// Peacceee
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And, if you prefer to READ it from a BOOK (as some claim is the only valid way to research SMH) then check out "Human Race Get off Your Knees", by David Icke for starters. Wake Up People!
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Umm, it's 2010 and YouTube counts. Just like with anything else, you have to verify sources but just because it's "youtube" the information cannot be discounted. For someone who claims to be so knowledgable on the subject, your comments are surprising. Since you turn your nose up at You Tube as a research tool, go to instead. Read the comments too. They're the best part of the site.
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Jun 28, 2010
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Jun 28, 2010