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P, yes, I know what it is to be caught on my blindside. There has been so many caught on my blindside instances these past 4 months until I know whom I had to call on to help and comfort me as Job, David, Esther and the woman with the son had to. To God Be The Glory!! I shall continue to look to the hills from whence cometh my help! Thank you again Sis. I can always count on God to have you send a message to help me through. Continue helping us all. Love you Carolyn
Pat, Once again I would like to say thank you for your words of encouragement. As you know, I will soon be marrying someone that has been a part of my life since childhood and I am unable to conceive as well. But with your words of encouragement lets me know that all things are possible through God and by God. If He says yes, no man can so no!!! I shall hold on to this message until the time comes when my Father says yes and I shall be blessed. Love you and thank you once again. Carolyn
Patty, Yes, it is still Christmas! No matter what is going on in this world, Christmas will still come every year the same time. It is what we do every day of the year that matters. We neglect OUR children in more ways than what people realize. As you stated, it is not only what happened in Sandy Hook, but what is happening all over the world with children. How do we plan on having a future if we are killing our children in the present? We need to start praying for our children now and remember that not on one day is about the birth of Christ, but everyday is about is birth, death,resurrection and Him being alive in our daily lives and Him being first. Sis, once again, thank you for bringing the word in a better lite for all to read and understand. May God continue to bless you with your messages to the world. Love you Carolyn
My dear Sis, Once again you have given people of all walks of life hope. You have shown them only a glimpse of how God can bless you no matter where you come from, what life you have lived or even how you are living today. Just have faith, and believe in Him and He shall set you free. I would like to say Thank you for all of the people in the world that feel that they will never be what God wants them to be but not knowing that what ever we are God can and will still use us when He has the need and the desire. He can change our lives with the scarlet rope. But just let us remember He changed our lives with the scarlet blood of Jesus Christ when He died on the cross for US ALL!!!! Love you Sis and Thanks
Patti, Patti, Patti, How wonderful it would be if all the fathers in the world would learn the personalities of their children as individuals and know each one of their weaknesses and strengths. When you explain how Jacob blessed each one of his children before he crossed over, it just gives me a tingling in my spirit of OH HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!!! and how He loves us and how He knows each of us completely and will tell each of us about ourselves and all we have to do is listen to the Holy Spirit talking to us and just walk in the ways of the Lord. Patti once again I say thank you. You have a calling that shall continue to grow and bless others as well as blessing you. Love you much, Carolyn
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Oct 11, 2012