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Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
40 something woman who thinks indulging in fiber pursuits is the best therapy out there!
Interests: crochet, i knit, spin, and am just learning to weave. During the last year and a half I've lost over 60 pounds and have embraced a more active lifestyle. I now enjoy bellydance, going for long walks, running, and my latest passion, zumba.
Recent Activity
No, definitely don;t beat yourself up! Considering how busy you are with kid stuff, getting ready for craft saleseason..... I must say Im glad its over, but Im glad I did it. Brenda -------Original Message-------
Toggle Commented Nov 1, 2010 on Happy Halloween! at Close to my Heart
1 reply
Me too, it was lovely. -------Original Message-------
Toggle Commented Oct 9, 2010 on Change of scenery at Close to my Heart
1 reply
Sounds like a lovely weekend, thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures!
Toggle Commented Jun 21, 2010 on greetings from up north at Knitting Sandwich
Very cute, and so's the hat!!
Toggle Commented Jun 18, 2010 on rainbow distraction at Knitting Sandwich
After being intrigued by homemade yogurt for a while now, your simple instructions inspired me to try it. I used 1% milk and 2% yogurt. I halved the recipe as it is just me here at the moment. I was really nervous opening the lid this morning, and admittedly squeeled with delight when I saw that it contained yogurt and not room temperature milk. Pure magic! A friend told me that she puts hers in a cooler along with jugs of boiling water. I didn't have any appropriate jugs to use, but put my towel wrapped bowl in the cooler and it worked great. Chilling in the fridge now and I can't wait to try it later.
Toggle Commented May 9, 2010 on Make it: Mickie's Yogurt at Make Something Special
1 reply
I have a fear of colourwork as well!
Toggle Commented Apr 29, 2010 on Feel the Fear at Vera's Crafty Blog
1 reply
Lovely kit, pretty pattern, and the yarn you dyed is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!
Toggle Commented Apr 10, 2010 on Fortitude. at A Life of Colour
1 reply
Brenda is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Thanks. Really wanting spring right now, its darn ugly out there today!! Sent from my iPhone
Toggle Commented Jan 25, 2010 on Handspun Lacy Baktus at Close to my Heart
1 reply
Definitely something lacy, will decide specifically what when I know the yardage. I think there will be a good amount.
Toggle Commented Jan 10, 2010 on Some spinning content at Close to my Heart
1 reply
I totally forgot to mention the mug in my post. They are from Starbucks about a year ago. I got 4 when they went on sale, we love them! I dont have the refillable filter/cup thing yet, but plan to get one soon. They arent available locally so I will mail order it.
Toggle Commented Jan 5, 2010 on Coffee addict at Close to my Heart
1 reply
Thanks Kate! That short row technique is awesome, I highly recommend. it.
Toggle Commented Dec 15, 2009 on New Techniques at Close to my Heart
1 reply
It actually reminded me a lot of noro yarn. Seemed to be a single ply, not a lot of drapeor hand to it. Just kind of sat there once it was knit, not sqooshy or anything. And doesnt stand up well to frogging either!
Toggle Commented Dec 10, 2009 on Much better now at Close to my Heart
1 reply
I love them too! So far Ive used a locally produced French onion mix, I have a curry dip mix I think Ill try next.
Toggle Commented Nov 29, 2009 on Quick dinner, no time to cook at Close to my Heart
1 reply
I never even noticed the French on the bag until you mentioned it Jo! And you might be interested to know that out here in the West, all packaged items haveboth English and French on them. Ill try to get some pics to show you some time.
Toggle Commented Nov 29, 2009 on Finally! at Close to my Heart
1 reply
Brenda has shared their blog Quick Recipes
Nov 26, 2009
Brenda has shared their blog KauniKAL
Nov 26, 2009
v\:* { BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml) } v\:* { BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml) } Hmmm, dont really know the answer to far as Im concerned,the main thing is just to post a photo every day. -------Original Message-------
Toggle Commented Nov 22, 2009 on What every bicycle needs at Close to my Heart
1 reply
Thanks for the heads up Melissa, I fixed the link.
Toggle Commented Nov 19, 2009 on Ukrainian dinner at Close to my Heart
1 reply
v\:* { BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml) } v\:* { BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml) } I havent worked on that vest for months, should really pull it out so that I will be able to wear it by spring! Its just so slow, but Im sure will be better once past the ribbing. I adjusted my starting chain as well. -------Original Message-------
Toggle Commented Nov 13, 2009 on Mmmmmalabrigo at Close to my Heart
1 reply
v\:* { BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml) } v\:* { BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml) } I was told it was aSchacht, but when I posted a picture on Ravelry found out it wasa Beka. Im actually going to warp the Cricket today, need to finish the practice piece on the Beka before I start anything on it. And I need to get going on Christmas gifts! -------Original Message-------
Toggle Commented Nov 1, 2009 on Weaving update at Close to my Heart
1 reply
I didn't know that, interesting......
Toggle Commented Sep 24, 2009 on Hmmmmm.... at Close to my Heart
1 reply
Thanks Cheryl! The yarn is Regia Design Line Kaffe Fassett
Toggle Commented Sep 14, 2009 on Two weeks later..... at Close to my Heart
1 reply
Very scary, and a little too close for comfort. Glad you are okay.
Toggle Commented May 2, 2009 on The fire at A mingling of threads
1 reply
And there has never been a cuter 2 year old, happy birthday Robin!
Toggle Commented Dec 15, 2008 on Robin is at A mingling of threads
1 reply