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This recipe is really hot ! I can't wait for that, really. Thanks for sharing :)
Recipe for slow cooker poached pears in caramel sauce
When my Canadian relatives arrive for American Thanksgiving next month, I want to spend lots of time visiting with them instead of working in the kitchen. My strategy this year involves slow cookers, putting all three of mine (3-, 4- and 7-quart) to work. In the largest cooker, I'll make black...
Wow ! Really you a super designer. There have so mach fun. This bedroom so pretty. Thanks for sharing :)
What I've Been Hiding Part 1
Over the nearly five years that I've been blogging I have shown you our living room, the library, the kitchen, the breezeway, Mike's office, my office, my studio, the family room and even the laundry but I have yet to share with you our bedroom or master bath. There is a reason. It's the m...
This is my Christmas gifts also ! This is gift me my uncle. I am really surprising.
Exercise Bike!
Hey, y'all, one of my Christmas gifts is here and in use as of today: (no, that's not me. Ha.) This morning I rode 20 minutes at ~9 mph. Distance was ~3.7 miles. Gotta start somewhere. Get this...I can READ while I do this. What could be more perfect??? :) I'm going to keep telling you how I...
"Laurie CoffeeTable", nice name for blog !
Go on, take the money and run--WOOOOO, DOG!
On Friday night, Ned and I had one teensy modicum of fun; we decided to go to the food truck rodeo before we commenced our pre-garage-sale work. Not that we hadn't been working on that goddamn sale all week. Ned came to get me in his work's pickup truck that he'd borrowed, and I felt not unlike...
so cute lambies! Thanks for sharing :)
No more excuses ..........
......... for this full-to-bursting concertina file ....... this ever-growing heap of paperwork ...... and the clutter on my desk because this morning I bought a second-hand filing cabinet I can hear you asking about the certificate on my desk, awarded to me for winning a triath...
Hi Scott Couchenour,
I also agree with you that we should increase our laugh count! Because this is very good for our health.
Laugh Count
I went to the vault and found this post from a while back. Laughter is timeless, so I thought I'd share it again... We hear a lot of talk in health circles about the importance of white blood cell counts, sugar counts, counting calories, and so on. But when was the last time you checked your l...
bloggerlisa is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 19, 2017
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