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Lillian Smith Branch of the Toronto Public Library
P@ as in "Pat" is the clever online handle of Pat(rick) Gracey,
Interests: Early Literacy, Storytelling, Folklore, Computers
Recent Activity
We are dedicated to bringing the best and brightest books to our library collections. Here are some picture books we are really excited about that will be hitting shelves soon. Additionally, all are available in an electronic format. The Year We Learned to Fly by Jacqueline Woodson, illustrated by Rafael... Continue reading
We are dedicated to bringing the best and brightest books to our library collections. Here are some picture books we are really excited about that will be hitting shelves soon. Additionally, all are available as eBooks. El Cucuy is Scared, Too! by Donna Barba Higuera, illustrated by Juliana Perdomo (ages... Continue reading
Happy New Year! We are dedicated to bringing the best and brightest picture books to our shelves. In January, we're offering our usual feature of wordless picture books from the previous year. One of the things I love about wordless books, and talking about them with kids (and adults too),... Continue reading
We are dedicated to bringing the best and brightest books to our library collections. Here are some of our favourite picture books from this year's crop. All are available in electronic formats (eBook and/or eAudiobook). Be sure to check out our picks for First and Best 2021 as well! Don't... Continue reading
We are dedicated to bringing the creepiest and most chilling books to our library collections! Here are some picture books we are really horrified about that will be hitting shelves soon. Most are also available as eBooks. In honour of two authors who have written more than a couple of... Continue reading
We are dedicated to bringing the best and brightest books to our library collections. Here are some picture books we are really excited about that will be hitting shelves soon. Most are also available as eBooks. Bathe the Cat by Alice B. McGinty, illustrated by David Roberts (ages 3-5) It's... Continue reading
We are dedicated to bringing the best and brightest books to our library collections. Here are some picture books we are really excited about that have just hit our shelves. Additionally, all are available as ebooks. What's Inside a Flower? by Rachel Ignotofsky (ages 4-7) How do flowers grow? Why... Continue reading
We are dedicated to bringing the best and brightest books to our library collections. Here are some picture books we are really excited about that have just hit our shelves. Additionally, all are available as ebooks. Book’s Big Adventure By Adam Lehrhaupt Illustrated by Rahele Jomepour Bell. 2021. Ages 4-8.... Continue reading
We are dedicated to bringing the best and brightest books to our library collections! Here are some recently acquired picture books we are really excited about. Additionally, all are available as ebooks. Eyes that Kiss in the Corners by Joanna Ho, illustrated by Dung Ho (Ages 4-8) A young girl... Continue reading
It's time again for our annual feature of 2020 wordless books! There are lots of good reasons to consider looking at wordless books to promote literacy development, which I have previously posted about. Check out our 2019 roundup of wordless books and my article on using wordless books to promote... Continue reading
Thanks V. A skeleton pirate is definitely a winning combo.
1 reply
Thanks for both comments, Andrea, Sulwe is also a magnificent book.
1 reply
Posted on behalf of Jesse, Children's Selection Team. We are dedicated to bringing the best and brightest books to our library collections. Here are some picture books we are really excited about that will be hitting shelves soon. Just Like a Mama by Alice Faye Duncan. Illustrated by Charnelle Pinkey... Continue reading
It's becoming a habit of mine to introduce any discussion of wordless books with some documentation on the importance of talking with your children. In my post of September 2018, I linked to a CBC article. This years I'm recommending an October piece from the BBC. As someone who considers... Continue reading
Thanks for letting us know. We hope you like the others just as much.
1 reply
Posted on Behalf of Margaret, Children's Materials Selection Team. It’s time for the Children's Materials Selection Committee's year-end best of roundup. Every year Toronto Public Library’s Children’s Materials Selection Committee previews hundreds of new children’s picture books. Here are just a few of the favourites we saw in 2019! The... Continue reading
I just recently finished Plato at the Googleplex, by Rebecca Goldstein (2014). In addition to making a case why technological progress does not supersede the need for philosophy, it's also pretty funny.
1 reply
This looks like fun and some of those results are striking. It's like Rene Descartes collaborating with Gustav Klimt.
Toggle Commented Nov 13, 2019 on Draw Your Data at The Innovation Hubs
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We are dedicated to bringing the best and brightest books to our library collections. Here are some picture books we are really excited about that will be hitting shelves soon. Posted on Behalf of Laurel, Childrens Materials Selection Team. November is National Alzheimer's Disease Month. Here are some of our... Continue reading
We are dedicated to bringing the best and brightest books to our library collections. Here are some picture books we are really excited about that will be hitting shelves soon. Posted on behalf of Kim, Children's Materials Selection Team Pigeon Math by Asia Citro ; illustrated by Richard Watson Age... Continue reading
We are dedicated to bringing the best and brightest books to our library collections. Here are some picture books we are really excited about that are recently arrived or will be hitting shelves soon. How Do You Dance? by Thyra Heder, author/illustrator. A wide range of young dancers show off... Continue reading
Posted on behalf of Jesse, Children's Selection Team We are dedicated to bringing the best and brightest books to our library collections. Here are some picture books we are really excited about that will be hitting shelves soon. A Plan for Pops by Heather Smith. Illustrated by Brooke Kerrigan. 2019.... Continue reading
Posted on behalf of Margaret, Children's Selection Team We are dedicated to bringing the best and brightest books to our library collections. Here are some picture books we are really excited about that will be hitting shelves soon. How to Read a Book by Kwame Alexander, illustrated by Melissa Sweet.... Continue reading
We are dedicated to bringing the best and brightest books to our library collections. Here are some picture books we are really excited about that will be hitting shelves soon. Posted on behalf of Scott Robins High Five by Adam Rubin, illus. Daniel Salmieri (Ages 5-8). Young readers are coached... Continue reading
Posted on behalf of Laurel, Children’s Selection Team. We are dedicated to bringing the best and brightest books to our library collections. Here are some picture books we are really excited about that will be hitting shelves soon. Informative Picture Books are springing up all over the place. Seeds Move... Continue reading