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Interests: reading, writing, movies, exploring good coffeeshops
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Feb 25, 2011
Today, I am grateful for: 1. Being busy with "important" things 2. Meeting new people 3. Having a lovely conversation with a newly-made friend 4. The light at the end of the tunnel 5. The Body Shop Brazil Nut Body Butter
1 reply
Today, I am grateful for: 1. An efficient Sunday 2. 2 days of vacation at home 3. Getting things into perspectives 4. Feeling prettier everyday 5. Being more socially active these days
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Today, I am grateful for: 1. New scouter (actually the first I've ever owned) 2. Small talk with a colleague from Saigon 3. Successsful work clothes shopping 4. Feeling confident 5. Hanging out with one of my closest friend, always "efficient" and fun
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Today, I am grateful for: 1. Getting tons of gifts from Thailand 2. A small issue taken care of at the right time 3. Becoming more active in my social life 4. Having done something I've never considered before 5. Rain and the smell of burning leaves
Toggle Commented Jul 25, 2010 on Day 441 - Amazing People at Five Daily Gratitudes
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Today, I am grateful for: 1. Getting a pain in the ass out of my way 2. Being able to help a friend out 3. Finding a great source of materials for what I need 4. Getting a few things done at work 5. Having a clearer goal for the future
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Today, I am grateful for: 1. Being sick at home (having mom and dad take care of me) 2. USguide's seminar "You can do it" 3. Having a clearer career goal in mind 4. A distant friendship with a colleague 5. Getting a one-off casual job doing exactly what I love
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Today, I am grateful for: 1. Chatting with my dear friend 2. Getting to know my colleagues better 3. Mom who has always been a god-send 4. Papa Joes in Hanoi Towers. Great Panini! 5. Old memories at old workplace
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Today, I am grateful for: 1. Eating out after a while 2. Getting more comfortable at new workplace 3. Finding a great blog 4. Lovely young girls at work 5. Stumbling across "Friends of Vietnamese Heritage" site
Toggle Commented Jul 6, 2010 on Day 422 - Yumminess at Five Daily Gratitudes
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Today, I am grateful for: 1. Talking to my dear friend in Saigon 2. Starting new job and having real responsibilities 3. Knowing more about my capabilities 4. Getting to the office earlier than everyone 5. A lovely colleague at work
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Today, I am grateful for: 1. A red sundress 2. Hanging out with my sister, just like old times 3. Gradually settling in a new room 4. Getting more confident before a new job 5. An early happy birthday sms
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Today, I am grateful for: 1. Finally doing the handwash laundry 2. A colleague's phone call 3. Finishing Shopaholic series 4. A great weekend ahead 5. My aunt's visit
Toggle Commented Jun 25, 2010 on Day 419 - Nice To Be Home at Five Daily Gratitudes
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Today, I am grateful for: 1. Getting some paperwork things done 2. Lunch with my sister 3. Meeting someone who helped me a lot in person 4. Twisting my sleep pattern 5. Wimbledon!!
Toggle Commented Jun 23, 2010 on Day 418 - Heading Home at Five Daily Gratitudes
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Today, I am grateful for: 1. Shopaholic series 2. Getting the shoes organised 3. The cool weather + the rain 4. Catching up with old friends 5. Eating out with my best mates
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Today, I am grateful for: 1. Being able to sleep earlier 2. Seeing my sister again 3. Watching World Cup with dad, sis and bro in law 4. Setting up a gathering with old friends 5. Wonderful football matches!
Toggle Commented Jun 18, 2010 on Day 415 - Catching Up at Five Daily Gratitudes
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Today, I am grateful for: 1. Having time to read lots of stuff 2. Being less dependent on the Internet 3. Mom helping me unpack 4. Being home for good 5. A text from an ex-colleague
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Today, I am grateful for: 1. Coming home, finally 2. Getting one nasty thing off my chest 3. Not having to pay excess baggage as usual 4. Too many gifts from a lovely young lady 5. Lunch with a dear friend
Toggle Commented Jun 14, 2010 on Day 413 - Super Fun at Five Daily Gratitudes
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Today, I am grateful for: 1. Sending a wedding card to a friend in US getting married 2. Having a new hairdo 3. Dinner with cousin and cousin-in-law 4. Meeting up with an old friend 5. Old conversations with a dear friend
Toggle Commented Jun 10, 2010 on Day 412 - A Beautiful Day at Five Daily Gratitudes
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@Hoà: có chồng già với người tình thì phải có người đàn ông hoàn hảo chứ :D. Em không giỏi ẩn dụ đâu ;)
Toggle Commented Jun 9, 2010 on Một ngày at bloodymary's blog
Today, I am grateful for: 1. My girlfriend showing me parts of the city I've never seen 2. Hilarious shop assistants 3. The Body Shop 4. Calming myself down 5. A super cute junior who gave me a lift
Toggle Commented Jun 8, 2010 on Day 411 - Cooling Down at Five Daily Gratitudes
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Today, I am grateful for: 1. Packing things efficiently: 2 boxes already out of the way 2. Enjoying a day without FB 3. Hanoian vermicelli with grilled pork 4. Summer "holiday" I created for myself 5. Having time to self reflect
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Today, I am grateful for: 1. Walking through the streets of Saigon with my precious girl and enjoying the night life 2. Being able to laugh at the water cut and power cut yesterday 3. Someone telling me things I dreaded the most but needed to hear any way. Tough love! 4. Going to end this chapter of my life 5. The next chapter waiting to be written
Toggle Commented May 27, 2010 on Day 406 - Being Busy at Five Daily Gratitudes
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Today, I am grateful for: 1. Hotstone massage 2. Getting few problems at work out of my way 3. Avocado smoothie 4. Cooking for myself again 5. Someone's phone call
Toggle Commented May 24, 2010 on Day 405 - Taking Some Time at Five Daily Gratitudes
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