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Interests: reading, writing, movies, exploring good coffeeshops
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Dec 20, 2011
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Apr 20, 2011
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Feb 25, 2011
Today, I am grateful for:
1. Being busy with "important" things
2. Meeting new people
3. Having a lovely conversation with a newly-made friend
4. The light at the end of the tunnel
5. The Body Shop Brazil Nut Body Butter
Day 554 - Catch Up Gratitudes
Today, I am grateful for: 1. Getting to finally take a breather and write out some gratitudes 2. Finally getting out of the eye of the storm and seeing a light at the end of the tunnel at work 3. Starting to get a little more balance - focus is on "little" at the moment =) 4. Making lot of prog...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. An efficient Sunday
2. 2 days of vacation at home
3. Getting things into perspectives
4. Feeling prettier everyday
5. Being more socially active these days
Day 453 - Openings, Meetings, and Returns
Today, I am grateful for: 1. Getting in a good 9 hours of work in yesterday 2. Meeting some really awesome people at Jen's Birthday party last night! 3. Napping a bit today - much needed! 4. Continuing to get things out in the open and things being so much better as a result =) 5. Colette being ...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. New scouter (actually the first I've ever owned)
2. Small talk with a colleague from Saigon
3. Successsful work clothes shopping
4. Feeling confident
5. Hanging out with one of my closest friend, always "efficient" and fun
Day 447 - Bang, Bang, Bang
Today, I am grateful for: 1. This Mark Ronson song - old, but good 2. A little bit of a break yesterday 3. Finishing up laundry and mailing the packages that had been piling up 4. Getting to go back to Macy later this week 5. Getting to go see the Local Natives after Macy =) *Post your own...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. Getting tons of gifts from Thailand
2. A small issue taken care of at the right time
3. Becoming more active in my social life
4. Having done something I've never considered before
5. Rain and the smell of burning leaves
Day 441 - Amazing People
Today, I am grateful for: 1. An awesome Thirsty Thursday at Barry and Ted's 2. Finally getting to go to a TT and catch up with folks 3. The weather cooling off last night 4. Living in the awesomeness that is Ft. Greene 5. The amazing people I have met while living in my neighborhood *Post...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. Getting a pain in the ass out of my way
2. Being able to help a friend out
3. Finding a great source of materials for what I need
4. Getting a few things done at work
5. Having a clearer goal for the future
Day 439 - A Little Bit of Rest
Today, I am grateful for: 1. Getting in a bit early from Macy 2. Just hanging out on the couch and catching up on Curb Your Enthusiasm 3. Ordering in from Pequena 4. A movie night alone 5. Getting to bed early *Post your own Five Daily Gratitudes by clicking on the Title of this Post, t...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. Being sick at home (having mom and dad take care of me)
2. USguide's seminar "You can do it"
3. Having a clearer career goal in mind
4. A distant friendship with a colleague
5. Getting a one-off casual job doing exactly what I love
Day 438 - Calm Before the Storm
Today, I am grateful for: 1. A productive weekend retreat for the National Strategy Team 2. Having some ridiculously smart, passionate, and people on my team 3. Getting to meet some really great GSUSA people and awesome Girl Scout CEOs 4. Getting to explore Edith Macy via great runs in the m...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. Chatting with my dear friend
2. Getting to know my colleagues better
3. Mom who has always been a god-send
4. Papa Joes in Hanoi Towers. Great Panini!
5. Old memories at old workplace
Day 437 - Getting Back Into the Game
Today, I am grateful for: 1. Things finally getting some more structure at work so I won't need to work at night or weekends as much 2. Stop being MIA on Twitter and FB 3. Time to start doing more interviews for the book 4. Time to finish up my new website 5. Hoping that these are not just ...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. Eating out after a while
2. Getting more comfortable at new workplace
3. Finding a great blog
4. Lovely young girls at work
5. Stumbling across "Friends of Vietnamese Heritage" site
Day 422 - Yumminess
Today, I am grateful for: 1. Getting to eat some Mante's tonight! 2. The Americano from World Cup 3. Finding more much needed books at the Taos library (was not expecting that) 4. Learning a new recipe for red chile from my mom 5. The homemade pita chips and hummus from last night! *Post you...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. Talking to my dear friend in Saigon
2. Starting new job and having real responsibilities
3. Knowing more about my capabilities
4. Getting to the office earlier than everyone
5. A lovely colleague at work
Day 421 - Post Non-Internet Weekend
Today, I am grateful for: 1. Some time away from being online on Sunday 2. Visiting the gorge bridge yesterday 3. See Rosina and getting to hang out with her tomorrow 4. Working on my computer outside in the beautiful Taos air 5. Getting to catch up with Cathy Oliver at the wedding on Saturday ...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. A red sundress
2. Hanging out with my sister, just like old times
3. Gradually settling in a new room
4. Getting more confident before a new job
5. An early happy birthday sms
Day 420 - Looking Forward to the Weekend
Today, I am grateful for: 1. Some free time this weekend to get through a few books 2. Quality time with the rest of the family 3. The big bright sunrise this morning 4. Getting most things finished up with our software vendor this morning 5. Grilling out tonight! *Post your own Five Daily Gra...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. Finally doing the handwash laundry
2. A colleague's phone call
3. Finishing Shopaholic series
4. A great weekend ahead
5. My aunt's visit
Day 419 - Nice To Be Home
Today, I am grateful for: 1. The big blue sky in Taos 2. Chicharron burritos.....mmmmm.... 3. Getting tons done for work today 4. Randomly seeing some old Taos friends 5. Getting to see the rest of my family tonight *Post your own Five Daily Gratitudes by clicking on the Title of this Post, t...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. Getting some paperwork things done
2. Lunch with my sister
3. Meeting someone who helped me a lot in person
4. Twisting my sleep pattern
5. Wimbledon!!
Day 418 - Heading Home
Today, I am grateful for: 1. Heading home to Taos today 2. Finishing up most of my loose ends in NYC before heading home 3. Getting to see my mom and dad today 4. Getting to eat at my aunts restaurant today - lamb fajitas here I come! 5. *Post your own Five Daily Gratitudes by cl...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. Shopaholic series
2. Getting the shoes organised
3. The cool weather + the rain
4. Catching up with old friends
5. Eating out with my best mates
Day 416 - Getting Things Organized
Today, I am grateful for: 1. A good nights sleep last night - finally! 2. An awesome wedding for Vic and Tim - CONGRATS! 3. The great food at the wedding 4. For the weather being nice and not too humid - unlike today 5. A day to catch up on everything - still working at it! *Post your own Five ...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. Being able to sleep earlier
2. Seeing my sister again
3. Watching World Cup with dad, sis and bro in law
4. Setting up a gathering with old friends
5. Wonderful football matches!
Day 415 - Catching Up
Today, I am grateful for: 1. Making a dent in catching up with everything 2. An awesome event thrown by Jen and meeting cool people there 3. Getting everything done before leaving to DC 4. Catching up with Zach 5. A great interview with Kathleen this morning *Post your own Five Daily Gratitud...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. Having time to read lots of stuff
2. Being less dependent on the Internet
3. Mom helping me unpack
4. Being home for good
5. A text from an ex-colleague
Day 414 - Getting Started Again
Sorry everyone for not posting recently- I was away at a graduation and had no internet the entire time - was kind of nice! =) Today, I am grateful for: 1. For Anya inviting me to her brothers graduation 2. Getting to meet the rest of her great family 3. The super cool house in the middle of the...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. Coming home, finally
2. Getting one nasty thing off my chest
3. Not having to pay excess baggage as usual
4. Too many gifts from a lovely young lady
5. Lunch with a dear friend
Day 413 - Super Fun
Today, I am grateful for: 1. Finishing most of the little things I needed to get done at work 2. Meeting a new NM hiking partner at the German Bier Garden 3. A really great Thirsty Thursday last night! 4. A super fun weekend ahead in Hanover 5. Getting to BBQ this weekend! *Post your own Five D...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. Sending a wedding card to a friend in US getting married
2. Having a new hairdo
3. Dinner with cousin and cousin-in-law
4. Meeting up with an old friend
5. Old conversations with a dear friend
Day 412 - A Beautiful Day
Today, I am grateful for: 1. The amazing weather in NYC today 2. Not having to sleep with the AC on last night 3. The crisp air while on my morning run 4. All the dogs in the park so happy this morning 5. A little free time to relax last night *Post your own Five Daily Gratitudes by clicking o...
@Hoà: có chồng già với người tình thì phải có người đàn ông hoàn hảo chứ :D. Em không giỏi ẩn dụ đâu ;)
Một ngày
11h15’ – trên taxi đi gửi đồ Chị là người Hà Nội à? Dạ. Thế chị thấy người Hà Nội và người Sài Gòn khác nhau không? (ôi lại cái chủ đề gây nhiều tranh cãi tốn nhiều giấy mực chẳng ai muốn dây vào này) Cũng có nhiều cái khác anh ạ. Chị cứ nói thẳng đừng ngại Ôi em ngại gì anh ơi. Chẳng lẽ em l...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. My girlfriend showing me parts of the city I've never seen
2. Hilarious shop assistants
3. The Body Shop
4. Calming myself down
5. A super cute junior who gave me a lift
Day 411 - Cooling Down
Today, I am grateful for: 1. The cooling down of the weather last night 2. Waking up to a really beautiful morning 3. Getting in a good 6 hours research in yesterday at Borders 4. Getting to catch up with Colette - so happy she is adjusting to Bali 5. For having big dreams... *Post your own Fiv...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. Packing things efficiently: 2 boxes already out of the way
2. Enjoying a day without FB
3. Hanoian vermicelli with grilled pork
4. Summer "holiday" I created for myself
5. Having time to self reflect
Day 407 - Getting Back to Things
Today, I am grateful for: 1. Getting back to doing my 5DGs (sorry, was on vacation) 2. An awesome week with Kelly, Monica and friends 3. For Kelly and Monica finding each other (congrats!) 4. Catching up on sleep last night 5. A week filled with lots of opportunity *Post your own Five Daily Gr...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. Walking through the streets of Saigon with my precious girl and enjoying the night life
2. Being able to laugh at the water cut and power cut yesterday
3. Someone telling me things I dreaded the most but needed to hear any way. Tough love!
4. Going to end this chapter of my life
5. The next chapter waiting to be written
Day 406 - Being Busy
Today, I am grateful for: 1. For finishing up everything that needed to be done before coming to Chicago 2. Meeting some pretty amazing people at the women's leadership event yesterday 3. Getting to catch up with Monica and Kelly =) 4. For Monica and Kelly letting me stay at their place 5. The a...
Today, I am grateful for:
1. Hotstone massage
2. Getting few problems at work out of my way
3. Avocado smoothie
4. Cooking for myself again
5. Someone's phone call
Day 405 - Taking Some Time
Today, I am grateful for: 1. Getting lots of writing done yesterday 2. Mixing it up a little and hanging out at Borders 3. A great nights sleep 4. Getting into the grove of all the organization needed for the new book 5. Taking time to watch Mean Girls and The Dark Knight this weekend - so damn ...
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