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Lily Strange
You may have stolen my muse, but you'll never be able to do what I did.
Interests: Writing, paranormal, spirit communication, poetry
Recent Activity
I feel sorry for their child. Mel is a raving racist lunatic, and he should never have hit Oksana. But on the whole they are both deplorable individuals.
AUDIO! OKSANA GRIGORIEVA Live from the GARDENIA ROOM in West Hollywood ... It's Mel Gibson's Ex!
She schtupped Mel Gibson... gotta baby..gotta settlement worth a lot OF FRIGGIN MONEY ..and now she's singing in the corner at some dive Cabaret joint in West Hollywood... dont think she should make X factor..THE VOICE or IDOL... possibly THE GONG SHOW those darn TMZ folks gotta recording...
He seems like a good, hardworking, self-made man. He had warned his daughter about talking smack about her family on Facebook and she decided to be defiant and do so anyway. Her comments made her sound like a spoiled brat whether she is or not. He felt he needed to teach her that there were consequences for such actions.
Father Shoots His Daughter's Laptop over mean Facebook post (VIDEO) THOUGHTS??
Whoa... this is one pissed off parent..thoughts? Father Shoots His Daughter's Laptop For Posting a Mean Comment About Him on Facebook "Tommy Jordan"
Lily Strange added a favorite at VIEWS FROM A BROAD
Feb 11, 2012
Lily Strange added a favorite at VIEWS FROM A BROAD
Dec 27, 2011
If I had tried to leave the house wearing one of those Hooker dresses, my dear old ma would have locked me in my bedroom until I put on some damn clothes! Kris Jenner is a deplorable excuse for a mother and is the queen fame whore, living through her Stepford clone daughters.
More Crappy Kardashian products on the way! Homely fame whore tweens Kylie and Kendall Jenner to get jewelry line, just like ho sister Kim
If you thought their were already enough Kartrashian crapola products on the market, you were probably right, but that isn't going to stop the family of fame whores from claiming as much profit and stupid consumers they can! OBVIOUSLY they didn't get the memo from SEARS... no one buys their cra...
Lily Strange added a favorite at VIEWS FROM A BROAD
Dec 27, 2011
That's too bad. At least it seems like they genuinely thought it could work out, unlike certain attention whores we all know and love so well. cough*kimkardashian*cough
Katy Perry & Russell Brand’s Marriage Is ‘On The Rocks ?..(like we didn't see this coming!)
Hollywood sources have learned the Katy Perry and Russell Brand, who just celebrated their one year wedding anniversary, marriage is on the rocks. “Katy and Russell are just in two very differnt places right now with their lives,” asource says. “There marriage is not working out. He’s in re...
This is just so sick. It makes me hope there is a hell so this disgusting piece of filth can burn in it. I hope someone chops him up with a hacksaw in a prison shop.
Babysitter Michael Plumadore Allegedly Chopped Up Aliahna Lemmon With Hacksaw
there are sick people in this world... FORT WAYNE, Ind. -- A babysitter and trusted neighbor has confessed that he bludgeoned a 9-year-old Indiana girl to death with a brick then dismembered her, hiding her head, hands and feet at his home and dumping the rest of her remains nearby, police ...
Lily Strange added a favorite at VIEWS FROM A BROAD
Dec 27, 2011
Lily Strange added a favorite at VIEWS FROM A BROAD
Dec 27, 2011
Sinead at least does have an identifiable mental illness (bipolar disorder) which could lead her to make unwise decisions of this nature. I have the same illness as well as borderline personality disorder, which is why I many years ago made the decision to never get myself into a romantic relationship again.
Kim is just an attention whore. I don't believe she has any sort of excuse.
Sinead O'Connor Just Beat Kim Kardashian's Record..and the Sanctity of Marriage Lives on!
and another Celeb made a mockery of beating the KUNTRASHIAN wedding record.. the loon toon Sinead O'Connor went online to look for sex and a mate a month ago..and found herself a gay faced hubby..whom she promptly divorced after 18 days Here's a piece of what bat shit crazy ...
Seriously, what the hell. Saving money on a damn toaster or flat screen is more important than saving a life. People these days make me really ashamed to be human. Even if there are aliens, they wouldn't bother stopping here, there's no intelligent life!
Black Friday Shoppers Step Over Man Who Lay Dying on the Floor and kept on Shopping
in West Virginia..OY! Crazy ass Black Friday shoppers at a West Virginia Target did not allow a collapsed-and-dying man named Walter Vance to disturb their holiday shopping experience. NOPE..these bitches said Screw him we wnt our bargains so, they simply walked around or stepped over him, befo...
Lily Strange added a favorite at VIEWS FROM A BROAD
Nov 28, 2011
Lily Strange added a favorite at VIEWS FROM A BROAD
Nov 15, 2011
Lily Strange added a favorite at VIEWS FROM A BROAD
Nov 15, 2011
Lily Strange added a favorite at VIEWS FROM A BROAD
Nov 15, 2011
Lily Strange added a favorite at VIEWS FROM A BROAD
Nov 15, 2011
Wow, Ella. Missed a few days of English class, did we? What, pray tell, has Kim or any member of her family ever done for you that you are so all-fired keen on defending their integrity? What Kim did in this case was just a crap move!
Ester doesn't dis normal folks just trying to get by. She doesn't even dis most movie actors, singers, or other entertainers. She only gives it to FAME WHORES like the KarTRASHians. I say power to her.
Wonder why Rob Kardashian is getting votes on DWTS? KIM KARDASHIAN TRIED TO FIX RESULTS WITH A BIEBER LIE
I was wondering how Rob kardashian was able to stay on DWTS. He's basically a Z-list nobody.. WTF does he do? Sing? dance? read poetry? Line dance? NOPE.. he's just the brother of the VAGINA-NATOR! THIS FAMILY will stoop to anything to win and make bucks... it is just amazing..and, THERE are no...
Sunday Morning Gospel album cover: HOMESICK FOR JESUS.. (as shot in the funeral parlor!)
Lily Strange added a favorite at VIEWS FROM A BROAD
Nov 14, 2011
Lily Strange added a favorite at VIEWS FROM A BROAD
Nov 14, 2011
I'll never forget when Stepford Kimmy got that $30,000 alligator skin purse (more than I make in a year working full time) and how my thought was "damn, that alligator that gave it's skin for that halfassed handbag contributed more to society than Kim ever has just by not doing anything except living in a swamp. I wish it had eaten her instead!"
I'm going to reblog this. :-)
16 yr old Kendall Jenner gets a brand new RANGE ROVER for her Birthday and the Kardashian's have cameras waiting to film it all.
FYI: Kendall is the step sister of the karTRASHians ..same mother ..but different snare drummed face Bruce Jenner is the father.. Must be shove their wealth in the face of so many who are struggling..did they NOT get the memo that there's a backlash going...since Miss Sincere ended her ...
Lily Strange added a favorite at VIEWS FROM A BROAD
Nov 14, 2011
I actually like Cameron Diaz. But I was thrilled to see the Crypt Keeper getting some fame again!
By schmooze correspondent Frank J Hagan Just proof that some "Hollywood stars" should never leave the house without trowling it on first.... (just saying) -- oh, Kim KarTRASHian is also in the photo mix. see more here via Wow! SEE Annoying Celebrities get dissed! REVEL in...
Lily Strange added a favorite at VIEWS FROM A BROAD
Nov 14, 2011
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