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blossoming life
The Mission, San Francisco
psychotherapy grad student, artist, creative entrepreneur
Interests: music, art, dancing, sunshine, desert, being over doing, joy and fulfillment, people living their full potential
Recent Activity
blossoming life is now following Alexander Skorokhod
Mar 20, 2010
Humans aren't meant to fit neatly into slots. As much as our educational system tries to chip away our creative ornamentation to turn us into good cube-dwellers (definitely another blog post :), it is soul-starving for us to spend every day being a "human resource". The old paradigm of huge corporations is not good for this planet: not good for the environment, not good for the majority of lives in the world, and not good for the human souls that sacrifice their dreams and their potential at the altar of corporate profit. Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2010 at A Blossoming Life
blossoming life is now following Colin Beavan aka No Impact Man
Mar 17, 2010
blossoming life is now following Bloesem
Mar 17, 2010
blossoming life is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 17, 2010
Is this is another one of my crazy whims?? I seem to have about two entrepreneurial / creative project ideas a week lately. I thought I already had my two this week with the networking website (can't say more about that, since it's prolly / hopefully going to launch this... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2010 at A Blossoming Life
blossoming life is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 16, 2010