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The company has raised about $1 million in funding, including an investment from In-Q-Tel, the investment arm of the U.S. intelligence agencies. Actual dollar savings varies by user but a desktop PC user might save $20 a year, Cameron said. The biggest benefit for laptop users, though, is extending battery... Continue reading
Q61, QX61 AND QX25 offer key, pad, knob and der combos ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- midi keyboard NAMM 2012: Three new Alesis keyboard controllers, NAMM 2012PRESS RELEASE: Alesis, maker of tools and instruments for today’s music mmidi keyboard NAMM 2012: Three new Alesis keyboard controllersakers, introduces the Q61, QX61 and QX25 USB MIDI... Continue reading
iPhone 4S pushes Apple into No. 3 spot for global phone salesTriple-digit sales growth in the fourth quarter propels the company up two spots in market share. The iLid flips open to reveal a place to stash some credit cards, a key, and some cash. It may not be a... Continue reading
Theres only one way to rock out to Devos Girl U Want, and thats with a keytar — but what if you want some swing with your keyboard rifge? The Alesis Vortex may be what youre looking for: a 37-key MIDI controller that adds an accelerometer to the mix. Announced... Continue reading
Numark iDJ Pro features AirPlay and iPad integration DJs out there if youre looking to get your hands on a new DJ controller, Numark has recently introduced the 4Trak which appears to odj mixer Numark 4Trak DJ controller will retail for $1,099ffer somewhat similar features as the N56. This includes... Continue reading
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Feb 2, 2012
Board2335 is now following Alexa Geovna Flores
Feb 2, 2012
Board2335 is now following Account Deleted
Feb 2, 2012
Board2335 is now following A Facebook User
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Board2335 is now following Account Deleted
Feb 2, 2012
Board2335 is now following Geoffrey Vincent
Feb 2, 2012
Board2335 is now following Victoria Plum Makes
Feb 2, 2012
Board2335 is now following Account Deleted
Feb 2, 2012
Board2335 is now following Victoria Rosales
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Board2335 is now following Viet Nam
Feb 2, 2012
Board2335 is now following Account Deleted
Feb 2, 2012
Board2335 is now following Jennifer Tindal
Feb 2, 2012
Board2335 is now following Shawna Hancock
Feb 2, 2012
Board2335 is now following Ferqli Dushman
Feb 2, 2012
Board2335 is now following Account Deleted
Feb 2, 2012
Board2335 is now following Segundo Cuji
Feb 2, 2012
Board2335 is now following Lois Schauweker
Feb 2, 2012