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Roberto Allende
Soldier, Police Officer, Coach, Photographer.
Interests: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Art Sculptures from India, Animal Consciousness, Animal Rights, Astronomy, Baseball, Buddhism, Classical Music, Cognitive Science, Fine Art, FS2004 Flight Simulator, Human Consciousness, Human Rights, Literature, Neuroscience, Paleoanthropology, Persian Empire, Philosophy, Photography, Photojournalism, Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Roman Empire, Softball, Sports Photography, Space - Time, Taoism, World History.
Recent Activity
It is my understanding that only half of the colleges answered the survey concerning the average student loan debt. It seems logical to assume that many universities - particularly private universities - did not report their student loan debt because they wanted to conceal how much debt their students hold. And some of those colleges that did report may have fudged the numbers because they were under no obligation to be precise.
The $25,000 figure cited by colleges and news media is not an absolutely trustworthy number. I would not be surprised if the average student loan debt for a public education is closer to $35,000 and that the average student loan debt for a private education is at least $55,000.
The Project on Student Debt noted that because the data is voluntarily reported by colleges, actual debt is probably higher than its report shows. ~ CNN Money. Average student loan debt tops $25,000 By Blake Ellis November 3, 2011: 5:22 AM ET
Grading Student Loans
Meta Brown, Andrew F. Haughwout, Donghoon Lee, Maricar Mabutas,* and Wilbert van der Klaauw Student loans support the education of millions of students nationwide, yet much is unknown about the student loan market. Relevant data are limited and, for the most part, anecdotal. Also, sources tend t...
Middle class people should not waste their time or...
Middle class people should not waste their time or invest their money in a league that pays an athlete & his agents $254 million for a 10-year contract. Continue reading
Posted Dec 8, 2011 at Roberto Allende
The Senate passes a bill that allows the...
The Senate passes a bill that allows the government to detain an American citizen indefinitely without a trial. Jon Stewart Video: Continue reading
Posted Dec 8, 2011 at Roberto Allende
Lifting Weights: Biceps & Triceps on Friday....
Lifting Weights: Biceps & Triceps on Friday. Watching MMA for motivation. Continue reading
Posted Jul 15, 2011 at Roberto Allende
Lifting Weights: Chest, Back, Shoulders on...
Lifting Weights: Chest, Back, Shoulders on Wednesday. Watching MMA for motivation. Continue reading
Posted Jul 15, 2011 at Roberto Allende
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