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Bobby Lehew
Oklahoma City, OK
Recent Activity
(Cross-posted, originally published in Wearables Magazine, March 2013). Masses of B2B marketers are trying to move the proverbial needle in sales today by resorting to a centuries old tradition: storytelling. Once an exclusive domain reserved for artisans, it is now... Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2013 at Branded Matters
I think I understand opportunity costs better than I have in the past. At some point, (perhaps it's age/maturity), but, most notably as responsibilities increase, there is a finite amount of time to pursue new goals. I don't meant to sound unadventurous, but embarking on yet another micro-passion or new life goal will cost time from some other priority (or, some other micro-passion), it doesn't mean the goal shouldn't be pursued, it's just that I should be clear (with myself) what I am sacrificing in order to obtain it. The changes I have made is centering my time and attention on fewer goals/targets and getting real about the few I have, particularly those I've nursed all these years (generally, those falling in the "someday" category). Thanks for taking the time to comment, man, appreciate it!
1 reply
(With apologies to Steven Pressfield). As an avid book collector, I've amassed more than my share of unread books. It's a possessive obsession, an incurable malady. Of the piles and piles of books I've purchased through the years, none seem... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2013 at Branded Matters
Thanks, Jennifer! Good luck with the new hire, it's a tough process but you've got a keen eye and excellent intuition, that objectivity will serve you well. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and share it with your network.
Toggle Commented Sep 26, 2012 on Hiring: The Rule of Thirds at Branded Matters
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Consider it a momentary professional indiscretion but this is the only time I have written about the subject of hiring; it is also, likely, the last. Successes few, my failures loom large. Were I to type these words from a... Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2012 at Branded Matters
Introducing the SlideBook - An Engaging New Approach to Content Marketing Ken Burns on the power of story Christopher Doyle's Identity Guidelines (brilliant) Say Goodbye to Online Lurking (on facebook groups at least) Handwrite your search on Google (no more... Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2012 at Branded Matters
As I write this, I've taken a few days off to stay at home and accomplish, at the very least, three simple things: write, run, and play hard with one of my kids whose enthusiasm for the outdoors supercedes my... Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2012 at Branded Matters
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat... Continue reading
Posted Jun 9, 2012 at Chasing The Pink Elephant
Good insight, James: "Price drives purchases but stories and experiences drive word of mouth". So true. Well said.
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I think you echo the thoughts of many.
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Thanks, Jason, for replying (and hitting me up via LinkedIn). I wonder how many of us have contemplated that about our facebook accounts. Someone mentioned to me recently all the hacks and tips you could do to minimize your facebook irritations but it all seems like too much work (and I've done many of them). For me, the biggest question I was trying to ask was, "If you are trading lifestyles, like spending more time on facebook, you have to ask yourself, are you trading up?" For many, the answer would be yes, for some, no. My final conclusion was that I like staying connected to my network via facebook but I didn't like trading a lifestyle of rich consumption for a lifestyle of transient consumption. A difficult balance. Thanks, again man, appreciate your response.
Toggle Commented Mar 14, 2012 on The Facebook Hiatus at Branded Matters
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Thank you for the feedback, Heidi. Love your advice on sticking with networks most important to you, it also keeps you on track, cultivating the right kinds (vs 'how many'). Glad we are connected as well!
Toggle Commented Mar 12, 2012 on The Facebook Hiatus at Branded Matters
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Thanks, Ken!
Toggle Commented Mar 12, 2012 on The Facebook Hiatus at Branded Matters
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Thanks, Karen!
Toggle Commented Mar 5, 2012 on The Facebook Hiatus at Branded Matters
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Two weeks ago I decided to take a faceook hiatus and deactivated my facebook account. (Those that know me well know that I have had a love/hate with facebook since it's inception). My reason for removing myself from the social... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2012 at Branded Matters
Thank you, Karen - appreciate the comment, looking forward to hanging with you guys tonight!
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Thanks, James - you're way too kind. Looking forward to it!
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Yes, the risk is real. You risk attracting the scorn of frenemies, the risk of dealing with trolls and haters and, the bigger your presence, the ultimate risk that hurts: failure. I find the biggest risk, though, is overcoming your own objections and self-doubt (what Stephen Pressfield calls "the resistance" in his book the The War of Art). That's the biggest dragon that needs to be slayed (and I think he has about a thousand heads!). :-) Thanks for reading my ramblings, Lori!
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Brad: thanks for taking the time to comment, man. Really appreciate you!
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One of the few things I know about writing is this: spend it all, shoot it, play it, lose it, all, right away, every time. Do not hoard what seems good for a later place in the book or for... Continue reading
Posted Jan 24, 2012 at Branded Matters
I agree. I've shared your story with others about Steve's seeming "lack of generosity", really made me think.
Toggle Commented Dec 6, 2011 on Links That Matter: Nov 2011 at Branded Matters
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For new readers to my blog, "Links That Matter" is a monthly post that includes notable articles and resources I've recently discovered. This month's LTM includes big changes with Google's algorithm plus a few other tools and resources I discovered... Continue reading
Posted Nov 20, 2011 at Branded Matters
Yeah, me too. Biggest lesson I think I've learned is taking the time (and allowing the team to take the time) to adequately thrash. We are so consumed by the urgent in our business, I think its effect sometimes takes it toll on our ability to slow down and develop a well thought out campaign. Friday's discussion on the card project was an example where I had to force myself to stay put for an hour while we thrashed that project. Ironic that we killed it but that was a good decision. In the past, we would have probably proceeded with the idea (because we didn't spend enough time thrashing it). The result would have been a rather latent (or simply low impact) project. Glad you're helping me steer the ship on this process ....
Toggle Commented Oct 31, 2011 on Thrashing at Branded Matters
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I know what you mean. I think this process typically applying to projects with multiple steps/layers and longer deadlines. I do think the urgent nature of our particular line of work has relegated the importance of thrashing to a smaller role when, in reality, (particularly for larger projects) it should have a prominent place at the beginning of the idea cycle. (Some projects are too small or too fast for that though). Good to hear from you Haines!
Toggle Commented Oct 31, 2011 on Thrashing at Branded Matters
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Two terms have entered our vernacular around the office, the terms "thrashing" and "shipping". Thrashing is the process where we beat up a project or initiative we are launching. ('Gnashing' is more apropos). We got the idea from Seth Godin's... Continue reading
Posted Oct 30, 2011 at Branded Matters