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From Lafayette, LA (CAJUN COUNTRY!)
Bobby currently lives with his wife Robin in Pensacola, Fl.. He retains his love of the beach, all things hot sauce....:)....and especially a love for God's people
Interests: Thank you for visiting My name is Robert M. Lepinay, but most refer to me as "Pastor Bobby". I am a 30 year veteran, seasoned Pastor, whose one desire is to help people discover faith in Christ, then to be "rooted in Him" (Col 1), which is where the name for this blog comes from. The definition of "radical" is not what most think. It means to return to the roots. The 'coolest' thing we can do as believers is just this very thing: Stay rooted in our relationship with Christ. That is what is devoted to. Whether you are a seeker who is not sure about Christianity, a believer whose faith has become somewhat "unrooted", or, just a Christian who longs to return to the basics of walking with Christ, my desire is that you would find these podcasts to be deeply enriching. The format is simple. Once a week, on the weekend, there will be a podcast devoted to the 3 "W"s that form the essence of our walk with Christ: Worship, the Word, and Witness. You will be led in a simple, easy song that I hope you will take into your own time with the Lord for the remaining week. Then I will share a short message from the Word, followed by a creative challenge display Christ as His witness the following week. The second podcast will be featured midweek, focusing on those who Partner with us to reach the online world, called the Partner's Podcast. It will focus on prayer for our Partner's needs, as well as a Q@A time from the questions our Partners email in each week. That's it! Thank you ahead of time for your prayers as well as financial support. Pastor Bobby Lepinay