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Bob Carlton
Milky Way Galaxy/Third planet/ Northern hemisphere/ Western continent North America/ United States/Left Coast/ The Great State of California/ Bay Area San Carlos/ Roslyn Avenue/ brown house/ blue jeans, waving
Interests: people struggling with what they doubt & believe, my wife, my kids, pop culture, junk food, politics
Recent Activity
as bright yellow, viscous pastes go, it is mighty tasty
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great pics tho I think someone photoshopped cheese whiz into the pic with yer boy
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Paul F.M. Zahl always used to counsel people who cried ad hominem, that no arguement was truly argumentum ad verecundiam. We are humans grasping for the truth and arguing our way to a shared understanding. Katharine Jefferts Schori is a fellow follower of Jesus, made in the image of God - just as Bob Duncan is. The way you describe her is not at all consistent with how we should treat one another, even if we are certain we see things differently.
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Bill, we share so many things - among them being both pro-life and anti-torture having a long history in things Anglican & Episcopal Bill, you no more know my politics or faith than I know yours - we both blog & read blogs. My pushback is how smug & snarky your comments tend to be around politics - both U.S. and Anglican. They are such a striking contrast to the voice your blog has on almost all other topics.
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and I suspect you referred to the prior President as the most radically Pro-Torture President while he was in office and that you hold Bob Duncan to the standards you hold the PB to ? c'mon, Bill - you are better than this level of snark
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bill, i am thankful for your broken-ness. I just wish you'd be as ornery with one side of the pew as you are with the other.
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bill, you got one odd sense of humor or hubris or just ornerni-ness
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honestly, i would skip all the "Christian" books and read Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations by clay shirky
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