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Bob Kraft
Dallas, Texas
I am a Dallas, Texas lawyer practicing Personal Injury, Social Security Disability, Immigration, Bankruptcy, and Consumer Protection Law.
Interests: helping people with legal problems
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Mar 15, 2010
I wish we could help you Rennie. Unfortunately, the government didn't ask me what I thought would be fair.
Bob Kraft
Stimulus Bill Gives COBRA a Boost
As reported in the Dallas Morning News, a little-noticed provision of the stimulus bill signed last month by President Barack Obama may give the growing ranks of unemployed workers some relief with their medical bills. COBRA is the federal law that gives laid-off employees the right to continue ...
Thank you for your comment, but we are not experts in the area of COBRA law. I recommend you contact a lawyer who practices in this field.
Stimulus Bill Gives COBRA a Boost
As reported in the Dallas Morning News, a little-noticed provision of the stimulus bill signed last month by President Barack Obama may give the growing ranks of unemployed workers some relief with their medical bills. COBRA is the federal law that gives laid-off employees the right to continue ...
Carolyn, thank you for posting this message. I saw the original article and forced myself to resist screaming solicitation. In my opinion, in Texas this would be both unethical and illegal. It seems to be obvious solicitation to me. There are many legitimate ways lawyers can use Twitter and other online tools, but let's not further tarnish our reputations by ambulance-chasing on social networking sites.
Bob Kraft
Is Tweeting for Clients the Same as Solicitation?
What's the difference between tweeting a prospective client and outright solicitation? I'm not entirely sure, but an encounter between a car accident victim and a lawyer on Twitter, described at Law Firm and Attorney SEO and Internet Marketing, came close enough to trigger the question in my min...
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