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Bob Mack
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Edgar Allan Poe had a deep dislike for transcendentalism, calling its followers "Frogpondians" after the pond on Boston Common. He ridiculed their writings in particular by calling them "metaphor-run," lapsing into "obscurity for obscurity's sake" or "mysticism for mysticism's sake." One of his ...
Having grown up in Concord, Mass. I am naturally partial to the Trancendentalists, but I admit that there are points of possible criticism. You probably already have run across H.L. Mencken's characterization of Emerson as a "moonstruck parson." Oh my!
Edgar Allan Poe had a deep dislike for transcendentalism, calling its followers "Frogpondians" after the pond on Boston Common. He ridiculed their writings in particular by calling them "metaphor-run," lapsing into "obscurity for obscurity's sake" or "mysticism for mysticism's sake." One of his ...
Bob Mack is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 24, 2010
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